a PowerPoint presentation a case study based on a chosen content…
a PowerPoint presentation
a case study based on a chosen content area and present it to your peers . The PowerPoint presentation will include at least 10 slides and will require at least 3 professional/peer-reviewed references beyond yourtextbook. Students will either narrate their PowerPoint in the PowerPoint software or create avideo using Kaltura in Canvas. You will be able to choose from several different content areas
through the google doc linked in Canvas, and these will be chosen on a first-come, first-served
basis (no more than 2 students per content area). You may choose a content area based on
your own nursing experiences and interests. Students will reply to 2 other student presentations,
and also reply to a student that comments on their own presentation. Please see details below
for submission due dates.
The PowerPoint presentation will include:
? Brief patient history including demographic info, history of present illness, other
medical dx, family history, psychosocial history (including close relationships, conflicts,
family dynamics, employment status, substance use history, living arrangements, etc),
and medications currently prescribed/taking
? Must include current vital signs (P, R, BP, Temp, Pain) and current
labs/diagnostic tests that are most often run with the presenting symptoms
? Pathophysiology of at least 2 of the conditions in present illness or medical dx (eg., if
patient has DMII and gout, pathophysiology of each should be discussed as well as how
these conditions are related). *Must use professional references in APA format in this
section. Include the following for each condition:
? Common medications prescribed
? Side effects of these medications
? Health teaching r/t medications and/or medical dx
? Nursing care plan (choose one of the medical diagnoses and use it to complete the
nursing care plan):
? Data Collection/Assessment
¦ List important information from health hx, physical assessment, medical
record review, vital sign trend, labs, and diagnostic tests
¦ Discuss proper assessment technique for the main system affected by
the chosen diagnosis (a reference may be beneficial here)
? Nursing Diagnoses
¦ 2 nursing diagnoses (Use NANDA-approved diagnoses). Identify
which is the priority nursing diagnosis based on your data
collection/assessment. One must be a health promotion diagnosis.
? Be sure that you are creating complete nursing diagnoses with 3
components, utilizing the PES format:
? P: the problem (or the diagnostic label)
? E: the etiology (or contributing factors)
NUR307 Final Discussion Board Instructions 2
? S: Signs and Symptoms or risk factors (if creating a risk
? Goals and Outcomes
¦1 goal/outcome per nursing diagnosis (2 in total)
¦ Be sure each goal/outcome is client-centered and measurable
¦ Each goal/outcome will include the following: subject, verb,
conditions/modifiers, and criterion of desired performance/outcome
? Nursing Interventions
¦ 2 evidence-based interventions (with research article referenced/
rationale) per diagnosis
? Must include rationale for each intervention (eg., research article,
professional references, recent textbook published within past 5
? Must include at least one independent nursing intervention per
Nursing Diagnosis (eg., activities the nurse is licensed to do on
their own without an order from another HCP)
? Evaluation
¦ How will you evaluate each of your interventions to see if your plan of
care is appropriate or needs modification?
? Nursing Implications for the diagnosis
? What should you watch for in your ongoing assessment of the patient?
? What information do you need to know when giving report to another HCP?
? Health Promotion/Education
? What kind of teaching do you need to do with your patient?
? 5 quiz questions related to the pathophysiology of one of the disorders, assessment
techniques, nursing care, health teaching
? one true/false, one fill-in-the-blank, 2 multiple choice, and one matching
? Must include rationale and reference for every question
¦ Use a rationale to identify why the correct answer is correct, and also
discuss why each other option is incorrect.
? Reference Slide
Nursing Care Plan Resources:
*Must use professional references in APA format: Professional references are from journals,
research articles, textbooks, etc. NOT consumer sites like Cleveland clinic, if you
Google it, chances are it is not the reference you should use. USE THE LIBRARY SEARCH
ENGINE or UpToDate! A hint… if there is no year, and no author, it’s likely not a source a BSN
student should be using.