ASSIGNMENT: Create CREATE-Own-Case Study Attempt IN…
ASSIGNMENT: Create CREATE-Own-Case Study
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Use the information below to create a case study. This exercise is thinking in the opposite direction of what you have done with previous case studies, where you answered questions based on a client information that was provided for you. Now you will be creating the case either by yourself or in a group of no more than 3 people, using the guidelines below.
You may use any of your textbooks as resources or any reputable online sources (.org, .gov, .edu). You do not need to provide in-text citations for your case study, however, you will need to provide a reference list of materials you used to develop your case study, at the end of the case study.
Be creative, have fun and learn!! You can develop your case study in Word, make a Power Point Presentation, etc.-just as long as we can identify all required criteria 🙂
Case Study Guidelines
Create your client. You need to include age and gender and any pertinent social history. Also include a picture of your client! Include the following about your client:
Client history leading up to current problem.
Your client must have 1 acute illness that falls within one of the concept areas we cover this semester. This is the diagnosis that brings your patient to seek medical care. You can choose one of the exemplars we covered in class (examples: Fracture, Pneumonia, Appendicitis, Acute Renal Injury, UTI, etc.). Or, you can choose an illness/disease process that fits within one of our concepts, that we did not cover in class (example: Infection – COVID-19)
You client must have at least 1 other disease process.. This disease should NOT have been covered in class, but falls without one of our concepts. For example — osteomyelitis/infection; hypothyroidism/hormone regulation, etc.
Most of your clients in the hospital have more than 1 disease process, so this is reasonable and realistic.
Physical Exam: should include (keep in mind, these need to be relevant to the client in this case study):
At least 4 signs and symptoms of the comorbidity (additional disease process)
At least 4 signs and symptoms of acute illness
Current set of Vital Signs, and any past relevant vitals
At least 6 relevant labs and/or diagnostic studies and their results (include normal range if applicable). Diagnostic studies include things like endoscopy, x-rays, cultures, etc.
Head to toe assessment information, covering all body systems.
At least 3 admission orders you would expect the health care provider to write (if you use a medication, you do not have to include the dosage and frequency, just provide the name of the medication)
Once you have created the story, background and assessment, come up with at least 3 case study questions to ask.
Provide an answer key for these questions.
Conclude with a written summary of describing why you selected your client, their acute illness, their co-morbidity and how you determined the assessment data you provided, how the assessments & labs relate to their acute illness and co-morbidity, and why you selected the case study questions that you did. This written summary should be about ONE page double spaced in length (you can include everything in one document that you submit).
Reflection on racism There is much evidence that past and present racism in the United States influences disease statistics and health outcomes for our patients. Imagine that your case study patient is a racial minority. Explain, in detail, how racism may have impacted, or is impacting, this patient’s health. Please cite a source (website is fine) that reports information about one of your specific disease processes (acute illness or comorbidities) and race.
Don’t forget to include a reference list in A-P-A format, at the end.
You can work- by yourself or in a group of NO MORE THAN 3 PEOPLE. If you complete-as a group, EVERY member of the group still needs to upload the document(s) to his/her own assignment, so everyone has a submission. We know you all will be submitting the same document, but in order for us to give you a grade, you need to upload the work.
You can submit it all in one document or in several document. In the past, some students have submitted everything in one PPT while others have done the case in a PPT and the summary, reflection on racism and reference list in a Word document and upload and submit the 2 documents (PPT and Word files). EITHER WAY is FINE. 🙂
Grading criteria
The Case Study is worth 8 points, your case study. You will be graded based on accuracy and completeness in the following areas:
1 pts – Creation of the client including demographics, history, present illness and comorbidities. (One acute and one chronic illness must be included). Include a picture!
3 pts – Physical Exam details including:
At least 4 signs and symptoms of the comorbidity
At least 4 signs and symptoms of acute illness
Current set of Vital Signs, and any past relevant vitals
At least 6 relevant labs and or diagnostic tests and your clients results (include normal range)
Complete Head to toe assessment information, covering all body systems-see your CID page 1 for list of details to be sure you cover in your assessment
1 pt — expected Health Care provider orders
1 pt — Case study questions + Answer key
1 pt — Summary of why you chose what you chose for your client
0.75 pt — Reflection on racism – see details above. You MUST cite a source for this.
0.25 pt — Reference list in appropriate A-P-A format
View Rubric
Case study (1) (1) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
view longer description
1 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 1 pts
Physical Exam
view longer description
3 pts
Full Marks
2.5 pts
Missing 1 of the state critera
2 pts
Missing 2 of the stated creteria
1.5 pts
Missing 3 of the state criteria
1 pts
Missing 4 of the stated criteria
0 pts
Physical exam lacking or not included.
/ 3 pts
Expected Health Care Provider Orders Included
1 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 1 pts
Case study questions + Answer key
1 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 1 pts
Summary of why you chose what you chose for your client.
view longer description
1 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 1 pts
Reference List
view longer description
0.25 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 0.25 pts
Racism Reflection
view longer description
0.75 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 0.75 pts
Total Points: 0