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AdmiralWasp2409 Case study Meet Karla! She has been admitted to the hospital after…Case studyMeet Karla! She has been admitted to the hospital after falling and fracturing her hip. Let’s learnmore about her…Social HistoryMrs. Kowalski is healthy and active senior who has lived in Vancouver since 1987 with her husband, Anatol, after emigrating from Poland. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for most of her life. After retirement, she has enjoyed travelling and volunteering at a local hospital gift shop. However, she and Anatol have had to limit their activities now due to increasing joint pain in her knees. She has started to use a cane to get up the stairs in her house. She has two adult children and 6 grandchildren living in the USA. Anatol is starting to have problems with his short-term memory and needs her help with his ADLs and IADs. While Karla is in the hospital their neighbour, Emma, is currently supporting him by cooking meals and checking in on him daily.Medical HistoryMrs. Kowalski has generally been healthy throughout her life. She has recently had increasing pain and immobility due to osteoarthritis, now treated with Naproxen. She does occasional water aerobics to help her joints and keep active.She had a TIA in 2020, but with no permanent damage or changes to her cognition. She was started on an anticoagulant at that time. She has struggled recently with recurring UTI’s which are treated with antibiotics. Two days ago, she fell after tripping on a floor mat in her kitchen and fractured her left hip. Shedid not hit her head or lose consciousness. Her husband called the ambulance, and she was brought to the ER. Image transcription textPatient Information Name: Kowalski, Karla Communication:English/Polish Sex: F Pronoun: she/her Allergies: Penicillin DOB:04/06/1941 Age: 81 Code Status: DNR-M3 PHN: 896… Show more… Show moreSurgical ReportDATE: yesterdayTIME IN: 1030 TIME OUT: 1245PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Total hip replacement on the left sideANESTHESIA: SpinalEBL: 500 mLIV FLUIDS: 2 litersDRAINS: n/aCOMPLICATIONS: NoneDISPOSITION: The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition. She will be weight- bearing as tolerated to the left lower extremity with hip precautions. We will start the DVT prophylaxis after the removal of the epidural catheter. Antiplatelet tx to begin 24 hours post-op. Night Shift ReportPOD#1: Mrs. Kowalski did not sleep well due to anxiety and discomfort. Oriented x 3. VS within expected range. Dressing D&I. PVA satisfactory. Foley removed this morning at 0600. Urine output 750 mls clear amber urine overnight. She is very anxious and is reluctant to be assessed. She is afraid to mobilize because she thinks she can’t move her hip until it heals more. She reports generalized pain in joints and pain in her hip at 6/10. Not wanting to take Tylenol #3 or Hydromorphone as she is afraid of side effects and “getting hooked”. Her last dose of regular Tylenol was at 0400 this morning. PT to see later today.Image transcription textLab Results Test Pre-Op This morning Normal RangesElectrolytes Potassium (K+) 4.3 4.6 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Sodium (Na)139 137 135- 145 mEq/L Chloride (CI) 100 102 98-10… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMrs. Kowalski’s Profile SU BJ ECTIVE DATA General affect:CNSfPain RESP CV5 GI GU MSK SOCIAL OBJECTIVE DATA VitalSigns General affect: CNS RESP CVS GI GU SKIN MSK… Show more… Show moreQuestions1. Identify ONE BCCNM Professional StandardsLinks to an external site. OR Entry-Level CompetencyLinks to an external site. that applies to this case study.  Describe how the standard guides nursing care for Mrs. Kowalski. 2. Choose ONE of the health concepts below. Describe how this concept would inform your nursing care of Mrs. Kowalski.Inter-professional Practice with PhysiotherapistsPatient EducationChronic IllnessStressPrevention (of post-op complications)Use of OpioidsTherapeutic Communication Skills for Patients with Anxiety ScienceHealth ScienceNursing