Communication Case Study Group Project (The Case Study): GROUP…
Communication Case Study Group Project (The Case Study): GROUP ASSIGNMENT
Start Assignment
Due Monday by 9am
Points 30
Submitting a file upload
Creating the Case Study
To craft a story that showcases your overall understanding of the dynamics of interpersonal communication and results in an educational resource to enhance the learning of fellow classmates.
See the table below for your Group’s Topic and Learning Objectives
Group General Topic Learning Objectives
1 Adaptive Communication Techniques for Patients with Special Communication Needs
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Describe alternative communication techniques or devices to communicate with a patient who has impaired vision, hearing, and/or cognition.
3. Describe considerations for developing a therapeutic relationship with the older adult patient.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of elder speak.
2 Communication at the End of Life
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Identify a nurse’s role when caring for patients who are experiencing loss, grief, or death.
3. Describe ways to express caring through presence/touch and the therapeutic benefit of listening to patients.
3 Communication with a focus on Patient and Family Centered Care
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Discuss limits and boundaries to patient and family centered care.
3. Describe tools and strategies that promote effective communication between the healthcare professionals and the patient and family.
4 Communication Across Cultures
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Describe the best practices for communicating when healthcare givers speak a different language than the patient.
3. Compare cultural competence to patient-centeredness.
4. Identify interventions that represent culturally congruent care.
5 Communication to Deescalate an Angry Patient
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Identify behaviors exhibited by the nurse that might cause the patient and family to experience anger.
3. Identify verbal and nonverbal cues that represent the different stages of anger.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the interventions available to deescalate a patient or family member’s anger.
6 Managing Conflict with a Patient
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Identify causes of conflict.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the 5 conflict management styles identified by Thomas and Kilmann.
7 Workplace Incivility
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Recognize behaviors that represent incivility among co workers.
3. Create-an-assertive response to address incivility.
4. Describe the relationship between stress and workplace incivility.
8 Responsible Use of Technological Communication
1. Analyze examples of interpersonal and/or inter-professional communication and categorize the verbal/nonverbal communication as effective or ineffective communication.
2. Describe the safe practices when documenting in the electronic health record (EHR).
3. Describe how the use of wireless technology is a form of communication.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using wireless technology to communicate.
Review the content for your assigned communication topic in Canvas (refer back to the content pages and assignments).
With your group members, create-a-Case Study that provides the reader the opportunity to meet the learning objectives.
The Case Study will include a main narrative and supplemental materials.
The Main Narrative will:
involve a number of critical incidents that illustrate key aspects of your assigned communication topic.
include dialogue between characters that illustrates both (effective and ineffective communication)
the dialogue will include information about the delivery of the message, including the verbal communication (i.e. tone of voice) and non-verbal communication (i.e. body language), and therapeutic techniques vs. barriers to communication. (See the Communication Process and Therapeutic Communication Pages).
draw information from the Communication modules, as well as specific topics within those modules.
clearly illustrate key issues from their assigned communication module.
*The main narrative of the case study should be EIGHT HUNDREDS-ELEVEN HUNDRED WORDS
The Supplemental Materials will include:
8-10 key terms with definitions. These should relate to the key aspects of the course material that are illustrated in your case. Keep in mind: since case studies are stories they often don’t explicitly mention key terms, but rather imply or demonstrate the concept through the critical incidents of the narrative.
A brief summary of each main character and their role in your case (so you can jump right into the story without having to explain each character)
To provide an adequate summary of the character, students will conduct a character study by reading about, talking with, watching videos of people functioning in the role of the character. The “character study” will lead to a better understanding of the individual for the purpose of bringing that character to life in the narrative.
5 discussion questions. The discussion questions should be designed in a way that provides the reader to demonstrate that they met the learning objectives for the case study.
Provide a rubric or grading criterion for your discussion questions. Each question will be worth 1 point.
*These items are NOT included in the word count for the main narrative and should be listed separately from your case study (though part of the same file).
Template for document format:
Learning Objectives (copy and past from the this assignment)
Character Descriptions
The Main Narrative
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Submitting the Case Study
One member of the group will submit the Case Study.
Criteria for Success
This assignment is worth 30 points.
The grade will be earned by the group and each student will receive the same points.
Please see the rubric below for specific grading criteria.
Group Project Communication Case Study SP22
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: The Main Narrative- The case study developed provides an interesting and compelling scenario of group communication. (2 points) The dialogue between the characters included both effective and ineffective communication. (Hint: therapeutic techniques and barriers to communication)
(2 points) Descriptions of the modes of communication (i.e. tone) were included in the narrative
(2 points) Descriptions of the nonverbal communication (i.e. body language) of each character helped the reader envision the scene.
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: The Main Narrative- illustrates key issues from the learning module specific to the assigned communication topic.The narrative includes a description of the critical incidents that illustrate key aspects of the assigned communication topic and address the learning objectives for the case study. (3 points)
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: The Main Narrative-Overall, the narrative incorporates the course material into the case study in an accurate and relevant manner.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Supplemental Materials-Character DescriptionProvide a summary of each main character and their role in the case study (the details in the summary indicates a character study was completed; including details to understand what drives the characters’ behaviors: i.e personality traits, current life situation, responsibilities of their professional role).
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Supplemental Materials-Key Terms and DefinitionsProvide 8-10 key terms and definitions that are featured (though may not be explicitly mentioned) in the case.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Supplemental Materials-Discussion Questions-Create-5 discussion questions that provide an opportunity for the student to demonstrate their understanding of the communication topic. (5 points)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Supplemental Materials-Grading CriteriaProvide criteria for grading the responses to each of the discussion question. The criteria should indicate how the group can earn the full point for answering the discussion question. (5 points)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Articulation-Spelling and Grammar Articulation-Clarity and CoherenceQuality of spelling and grammar in paper was error free
Quality of overall writing–clarity and coherence
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreating the Case Study: Proper A-P-A Formatting(1 point) At least 2-References-are cited for the Key Terms and Definitions content
(1 point) In-text citations: accurate A-P-A formatting
(1point)-Reference-page: accurate A-P-A formatting of sources
3 pts
Total Points: 30