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adrii83 Describe theory development in nursing. Nursing theory explains the…Describe theory development in nursing.Nursing theory explains the relationship between observed behaviors and effects on a client’s health. It is a set of related concepts and relational statements or propositions used to identify the relationships among concepts. The nursing theory provides consistency. This course competency was achieved with a discussion post highlighting different nursing theorists. One theorist is Florence Nightingale who developed the Environment theory. It focuses on how the environment can alter a patient’s health.Identify the major concepts of selected nursing theories.One nursing theory is the Conservation model by Myra Estrin. This theory focuses on nursing intervention as a conservation activity with energy conservation as a fundamental concern. This theory is fulfilled by conserving energy, structure, and personal and social integrity. Another theory is the Interpersonal relations theory by Hildegard Peplau. This theory emphasizes the nurse-client relationship as the foundation nursing practice. It is composed of person, environment, health, and nursing. The course competency was achieved through a compare/contrast APA paper in module 2.Differentiate the components of the research process.The research process is a logical flow of steps, building off of the previous step and progressively onto another. It is composed of 8 steps beginning with identifying a research problem. Next, is to formulate a research purpose which is congruent with the research problem. Step three is when the researcher must identify the study methodology. The selected methodology should be implied in the purpose of the study. The fourth step is to review the literature. Once literature is reviewed, a theoretical framework must be selected for the study. This may not always be explicitly identified in published quantitative research articles. Qualitative research may use philosophy instead of a framework. Step six is when the researcher will state the objectives, questions, hypotheses, and procedures. The seventh step involves the presentation of results of the study. Lastly, the findings will be discussed. This consists of comparing the findings with previous research findings, identifying limitations of the study, as well as the implications, and suggestions for future research. This course competency was achieved through an assignment appraising the components of a research process.Compare research methodologies.Quantitative research characteristics is objective. It has numbers as data and there is a data analysis after data collection. This research is able to focus on groups and is guided by a priori theory and focuses on measurable outcomes. The researcher strives to maintain objectivity and emotional distance from participants. On the other hand, qualitative research is subject where words are data. Data analysis is concurrent with data collection and the findings are not generalizable. The study may generate theories ro findings that are discussed in the context of the theory. The researcher is actively engaged with participants in data collection. This course competency was achieved through a discussion post of finding a valid, reliable, and relevant resource.Explain the relationship between research, theory, and evidence-based practice.Evidence-based practice is the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient circumstances and values in the delivery of quality, safe, cost-effective healthcare. The implementation of EBP has been improved outcomes for clients, providers, and healthcare facilities. The Stetler model provides a comprehensive framework to enhance the use of research evidence in nursing practice. The Iowa model promotes the implementation of EBP by nurses in clinical agencies. The course competency was achieved through a discussion post identifying a potential practice problem and formulating a proposal for an EBP solution.Propose an evidence-based solution aligned with an evidence-based practice question.The Iowa model of EBP provides a framework for the implementation of EBP in clinical practice. A solution aligned with EBP is hand hygiene compliance. This will reduce patient stays, and lower infection rate. This course competency was achieved through a research and theory evidence-based proposal in module ten.    THOUGHTS?????ScienceHealth ScienceNursing