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Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurse Leaders Upon collaboration with the…

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurse Leaders

Upon collaboration with the nurse leader of my choosing, the dilemma we chose to discuss was falling out of compliance during the treatment of a Pre-eclampsia patient. It is proper procedure to give Magnesium within 30 minutes of receiving two critical blood pressures. A critical blood pressure is 140/90 or greater. Other symptoms of Pre-eclampsia include protein in urine, swelling of the hands, feet and, face, vision changes, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

Steps we would take to help resolve the dilemma would include debriefing after the patient is stable. This technique would help us to figure out things we could have done differently or better. We could ask doctors and other practitioners for there inputs and ensure they respond quickly and appropriately as well. Some resources needed to help solve the dilemma include: vital sign equipment, proper medication on broad with quick access, IV access as soon as possible. Lastly, doctors aware of proper protocol and ordering of the correct medications and treatments.

Diversity in the workplace aids with each individual bringing new ideas and interventions to the workplace. Past experiences help shape and change protocol to be most effective as possible. Sometimes doctors believe they are always right and superior, especially if an ER doctor responds to a code situation and the OB doctor hasn’t arrived yet. As OB nurses, we know our ‘usual’ protocol which may be different from an ER trauma situation. At this point the nurse should speak up and explain what we ‘usually’ do in this situation and ask if they would like to do that instead. If they are direct on their own orders follow accordingly.

The ANA code of Ethics applies because it reminds us that we are our patients advocate and our primary commitment is to our patients. It also reminds us to practice with compassion and respect for the patient and their wishes. The code is a summary of how the nurse is supposed to perform and act. (ANA, 2017)

Article Summary Questionaire

The main topic of discussion in the Diversity in the Workplace article was that, “companies, business leaders and organizations must create effective solutions to recruit, support and retain a more diverse workforce.” This article was published by DeVry University in August of 2021. The article allowed me to gain knowledge about the benefits of diverse company. Diversity allows companies to grow in three key ways: creativity, professional development, and customer service. “Diversity allows companies to adopt a different lens to solve challenges, operate the organization and keep it strong,” says Awwad. “If you have multiple people thinking the same way, you don’t really grow or innovate.” (DeVry University, 2021) This article pertains to the discussion topic because it discusses ways that diversity can improve the workplace. It also discusses ways to improve smaller aspects of a company, which together make a big impact.


Code of ethics for Nurses. ANA. (2017, October 26). Retrieved March 21, 2023, from

Diversity in the workplace: Insights and strategies for 2021 and Beyond. DeVry University . (2021, August 25). Retrieved March 21, 2023, from to an external site.


Have you ever experienced a similar dilemma as a care provider or leader? 
Do you agree or disagree with the way the leader handled the experience?
Include pertinent input from your readings from the week.
Practice Experience Objectives:

Collaborate with a nurse leader to identify an ethical dilemma related to nursing leadership.
Propose a solution to this dilemma including components of a diverse workforce and your core values.
This experience will be evaluated using the learners responses in the discussion board forum and aligns with:

Course Outcome 3. Discuss legal and ethical responsibilities in nursing management, delegation, and supervision. 
Course Outcome 6: Value cultural diversity across nursing leadership roles

You must include references from the literature for each response in correct APA forma t

Textbook: Huber, D & Joseph M. (2022). Leadership and nursing care management (7th ed.) Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-69711-8