SuperElephantMaster807 FILL-INS: Please fill in the blanks with elements/terms that make…FILL-INS: Please fill in the blanks with elements/terms that make the statement correct.
1. ______________________ – means pus in the urine
2. ______________________ – means abnormal narrowing in the opening of the foreskin of the penis.
3. ______________________ – means throat
4. The element for pregnant is: ______________________________________
5. Two elements that mean lung are: _________________________ and _____________.
6. ______________________ – are motor neurons, are from the central nervous system, and conveys information to the muscles and glands.
7. In the ________________________________, the lungs take up most of the space in the thoracic cavity, reaching from the collarbone to the diaphragm, the right, larger lung is divided into three lobes and the smaller left lung has two lobes and each lung has three sections, apex, hilum and the base.
8. The respiratory system involves the exchange of ______________________ and __________________________ between the atmosphere and the body and its cells.
9. The inability to maintain an erection for ejaculation is________________________.
10. ______________________ – means to eat.
11. ______________________ – means bad or abnormal.
12. Ptyal is _____________________________________.
13. ______________________ – means cavity.
14. ______________________ – refers to the spinal column
15. ______________________ – are used to relieve pain.
16. _______________________ disease is caused by hardening in the interior of the penis, and causes abnormal curvature of the penis and is also an example of an eponym.
17. _______________________ is the congenital absence of one or both testicles.
18. _______________________ means the first menstruation.
19. _______________________ is a persistent, painful erection requiring medical intervention or it can result in loss of function of erectile tissue.
20. The uterus is made up of three layers of tissue: ____________________, _________________ and ______________________________________.
21. Labi means ________________________
22. The human adult brain has ____________ major divisions which are __________________________________________________________, weighs about ________________ pounds and is ____________ water with a gelatin-like consistency, and contains over ______________________ neurons.
23. ______________________ and ______________________ mean horny and refer to the
24. The neuron is __________________________________________________________.
25. _________________________ means ovary.
26. _________________________ is excessive urination.
27. Oliguria means _______________________________________________________.
28. A hernia of the urinary bladder is _______________________________________.
29. The functional unit of the kidney is ______________________________________.
30. Surgical removal of a kidney is _________________________________________.
31. Removal of a testicle is _________________ or ____________________________.
32. HCG is ____________________________________________________________ and can indicate the presence of a tumor in both men and women.
33. ____________ tumor is a malignant kidney tumor primarily found in young children and is also called nephroblastoma. This is also an example of an eponym.
34. The ___________________ form urine for excretion and retain essential substances the body needs through the process of reabsorption.
35. The _____________________ are three layers of connective tissue membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
36. ______________________ is produced in the testes or gonads, is the sex cell of the male reproductive system and are assisted in movement by flagellum.
37. Inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes is ___________________________.
38. The female reproductive system consists of _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________.
39. Menopause is _______________________________________________________.
40. The period of hormonal changes prior to menopause is ________________________.
41. The __________________ stretches during pregnancy to allow the development of the fetus.
42. Testosterone _________________________________________________________.
43. A gathering of cells from the cervix and vagina to check for abnormal cells is done with a ________________________.
44. The urinary system consists of _____________________________________________.
45. A malignant tumor of a testicle is a __________________________________________.
46. Uterine bleeding between menstrual periods is _____________________________.
47. ___________________ circulation is bypassed by the fetus because the lungs do not function until after birth.
48. The peripheral nervous system contains ______________________________________.
49. The ____________________ system maintains the proper amount of water in the body and removes waste products from the blood by excreting them in urine.
50. The _________________ gland surrounds the urethra, emits a fluid to help the sperm move and contract its muscular tissue during ejaculation to help the sperm exit the body.
ScienceHealth ScienceNursing