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smartp My project is US infectious Disease vaccination implementation a…My project is US infectious Disease vaccination implementation a public issue . the public health issue, the vulnerable population/community, and the overall programmatic approachI need help using  the Negotiation Preparation Plan template for my  responses to all prompt elements.Situational Analysis of the Conflict and Stakeholders: Conduct a situational analysis which includes the following components: -Description of the Conflict: List and describe the issues that gave rise to the conflict—explaining the key features of the conflict itself.-Competing Interests: List and describe the conflicting (or competing) interests that gave rise to the conflict. Please outline these interests by stakeholder type. [Note: When organizations are trying to resolve conflict with an external stakeholder, they will place themselves as one of the stakeholders in this conflict.]-Analysis and Operationalization of Interests: For each stakeholder, prioritize the competing interests as high priority (i.e., the “needs”) or low priority (i.e., the “wants”). Also, rephrase all competing interests as a SMART objective (i.e., specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant, and time-bound). (See Creating Objectives.)Analysis of Stakeholders’ Relations: Examine the dynamics among stakeholders as follows: -Achieving a Mutual Understanding: Identify possible ways in which the stakeholders may find common ground, partner in a shared vision, and/or work towards a mutual understanding.-Analyzing the Power Base: For each stakeholder, determine their costs related to either accepting or rejecting the other stakeholder’s terms.-Exchanging Information to Resolve Conflicts: Develop a plan for mediating the discussion (regarding a conflict) among stakeholders, as follows: [-Mediating the Negotiation: Prepare for the upcoming meeting among the stakeholders by drafting key questions you would use in mediating the negotiation meeting. You should have at least ten (10) questions framing the necessary pieces of information that would be useful in resolving the conflict. Of the ten (10) questions, you should have the following question types:One (1) “who” questionOne (1) “what” questionOne (1) “where” questionOne (1) “when” questionOne (1) “why” questionOne (1) “how” questionFour (4) additional open-ended questions of your choosing-Sensitive Information: Consider the types of information that may be obtained from the ten questions in the previous step. What could be sensitive information with the responses from each stakeholder? When/why would each stakeholder disclose this information? When/why would each stakeholder choose to not disclose this information?Forming a Negotiation Agreement: Review the features of a negotiation agreement, as follows: -BATNA and ZOPA: Describe the “Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement” (BATNA) for each stakeholder. Next, considering each BATNA as different ends of the same spectrum, describe the “Zone of Possible Agreement” (ZOPA).-Recommendations: Provide two (2) recommendations that could be used during negotiations. For each recommendation, please detail the considerations for each stakeholder. Also, connect your recommendations to management theory and population health improvement (in general). Situational Analysisof the Conflict and Stakeholders  Description of the Conflict–Competing Interests Stakeholder A–Stakeholder B– Image transcription textAnalysis and Operationalization of Interests Stakeholder AStakeholder B High Priority [Insert text.] [Inserttext.] [Inserttext.][Insert text. ] (the “needs”) Low Priority [In… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAchieving a Mutual Understanding [Insert text.] [Insert text.]… Show moreImage transcription textAnalyzing the Power Base Stakeholder A Stakeholder B CosttoStakeholder B if Stakeholder Arejects the Costto Stakeholder AifStakeholder B rejects the terms of Stakeholder A term… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textExchanging Information to Resolve Conflicts… Show moreImage transcription textMediating the Negotiation the “who” question[Inserttext.] the “what” question [Inserttext.] the”where” question [Inserttext.] 4 the “… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSensitive Information When to disclose? When not to disclose?Stakeholder A [Inserttext.] [Inserttext.] [Inserttext.] . [Inserttext. ]Stakeholder B [Inserttext.] [Insert text.] [Inserttext.] . [Inserttext.]… Show moreImage transcription textForming a Negotiation Agreement… Show moreImage transcription textBATNA & ZOPA Stakeholder A’s BATNA Stakeholder B’sBATNA [Inserttext.] [Insert text.] The ZOPA [Inserttext.]… Show moreImage transcription textBATNA & ZOPA Stakeholder A’s BATNA Stakeholder B’sBATNA [Inserttext.] [Insert text.] The ZOPA [Inserttext.]… Show moreImage transcription textSecond Recommendation Key Details of Recommendation .Considerations for Stakeholder A: [Inserttext.] Considerations forStakeholder B: [Insert text.] Rationale for this Recom… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReferences [Insert references.]… Show more ScienceHealth ScienceNursing