Paper: Critical Reflection Paper. From a critical reflective…
Critical Reflection Paper. From a critical reflective lens-what is important to you with respect to Nursing & Why? This paper will explore such themes such as: power and control in healthcare, stereotypes in healthcare and society, vulnerable populations in healthcare, and any other issues and challenges within our health care system and for healthcare workers (nurses) due to power, control, and organizational structures.
Suggested Topics:
pick on issues/topics to explore with this paper
Examine long-standing systemic social and health inequities
How have federal, provincial, and local policies, put some population groups at increased risk of getting sick, having overall poor health, and having worse outcomes when they do get sick?
What is needed/required to avoid perpetuating these inequities in communication?
Consider how racism and other forms of discrimination unfairly disadvantage people and lead to social and health inequities.
Emphasize the value of ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity for health and that reducing disparities contributes to the common good and benefits all.
Explain that policies, programs, practices, services, and environments that support health can reduce health inequity.
Recognize that access to information is not enough; people need information that they can understand, use, and that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
Recognize that some members of disproportionately affected groups cannot follow public health recommendations. This may be due to inequitable resource allocation or a lack of inclusive infrastructure.
Consider ways to improve the accessibility of content, such as using alternative communication formats and offering materials in other languages.
Indigenous populations and health
Homeless persons
Addictions within society
Who is given priority in health care and why? Health care resource equity.
Bias and stigmatization in health care
Health care resources and supports in rural Ontario/Canada vs large cities?
The treatment of LGBTQIA person within our health care system
Brief Explanation of Applying a Critical Lens:
Underlying assumptions within a critical reflection paper include, but are not limited to the following:
consider forms of social order involve forms of domination and power
belief systems presented and treated as “facts” can act as barriers to conscious action and freedom
a critical lens helps to see through taken-for-granted relations and beliefs to examine underlying structures and social relationships
certain groups in any society are privileged over others; oppression is most forcefully reproduced when people who are subordinated accept their social status as natural, necessary, or inevitable
how do you relate the above points to clients within healthcare, thinking about these dynamics, ideas, labels, and stereotypes?
What changes in the status quo can you see that would benefit clients?
Other Points to Consider:
In grading the student’s paper, the following elements will be evaluated, with the greatest weighting on analysis/synthesis of the literature
Inquiry question: Inquiry question and area of interest is clearly described; significance of the issue and/or topic is addressed.
Synthesis: The synthesis should include information within the literature and discussed in reference to how they inform the topic.
Organization of paper/style: Sections and paragraphs flow together clearly. Headings used to organize discussion of literature sources. Multiple perspectives presented logically and clearly, promoting ease in reading. Document is professionally written with virtually no errors in punctuation and is in the correct format. The writing and referencing style of is consistent with APA 7th edition. Writing style is clear and engaging
Sources & source quality: Information is gathered from a wide range of journals, books and related authoritative materials. An attempt has been made to ensure that sources represent the diversity of perspectives/breadth of debates on the issue.
Paper Requirements:
critical reflection paper focusing on what is important to them with respect to the profession of nursing, and why this is important to them.
Students should include (at least) three peer-reviewed sources (other than CNO documents). This will provide a foundation for the critical reflection.
Students will be evaluated on quality of their critical reflection – is it focused on the topic, are responses supported in the literature, is required material in incorporated, also is spelling and grammar, consistent with APA?
Rubric (Critical Reflection Paper):
Somewhat comprehensive discussion
Introduction with a clear statement of the purpose of the paper, & a conclusion included summarizing the key points and critical analysis of the paper
Clear presentation of the issue(s) which are important to the author of the paper within a critical reflective perspective.
Concise synthesis of literature, including debates or opposing views
Relevant literature (at least peer-reviewed journals, other than CNO documents) cited and referenced, APA format, 3 pages in length excluding title page, references and images/pictures used.
At least 3 Relevant Peer Reviewed Journals Cited and Excellent APA Application (less than 4 errors)
2 Relevant Peer Reviewed Journals Cited and Somewhat APA Application (5-6 errors)
1 Relevant Peer Reviewed Journal Cited and Minimal APA Application (6-8 errors)
0 Relevant Peer Reviewed Journals Cited and Unsatis. APA Application (more than 8 errors)