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Part 1 – Instructions    You are required to conduct and document…

Part 1 – Instructions 


You are required to conduct and document three (3) role play scenarios, as set out below. In groups of two, you and your classmate will take turns playing the clients who are presenting issues (Anna, Carla and John) and the support worker, respectively. Your Trainer and Assessor will act as the community service supervisor and will be floating around the room as the interviews are being conducted. You can call over the 


You will be assessed on all three scenarios, when you are acting in the role of the support worker. Each scenario should take a maximum of 15 minutes to act out and document. 

Trainer and Assessor instructions: 

Set up tables and chairs 

You are required to act as the community service supervisor. 

Select one (1) student to play the role of the support worker and one (1) student to play the role of the client. 

Float around the room and observe and assess students playing the role of the support worker. Provide advice and guidance to students during the role play. 

Support worker instructions: 

 Ask the client questions to learn more about their personal situation in an attempt to uncover underlying issues. 

How are you feeling today? 

How are things at home? 

Is there 

                    Acknowledge signs that indicate safety issues for clients and respond appropriately. 

Ask directly about safety issues. 

How long have you been feeling this way? 

How would you like me to help you? 

Is there anyone in particular I should contact? 

                    Listen actively and empathetically to details of the identified crisis situation. give the client your undivided attention avoid judgement restate what the client discloses to demonstrate that you understand what is being said. 

allow time for the client to express themselves clearly and avoid interrupting        Affirm potential links to safety for the client. 

Outline professional help services that could provide them with more support. 

Explain the need for adequate rest and allow time to focus on their personal well being. 

Suggest the importance of adapting household environments according to their needs 

                  Use strategies and systems to enable thoughts and behaviours from clients to deal with crises. 

Remain calm and in control of your responses. 

Use open and non-intimidating body language. 

Ask the client the following questions: 

Describe what the crisis looks and feels like to you
What is different in times of crisis than in other times of your life?  crisis situation what kinds of support did you seek?
What people and services were the most helpful? Why?
How do you decide to reach out for support?
How do you identify when you need to do something different?

Ask the client what they believe will help them help address their needs (less drinking, more exercise, see a psychologist, take medication etc). 

Explore personal barriers, based on identified feelings and personal characteristics (this is specific to the session with Clara). 

Use an appropriate balance for direction and collaboration in identifying immediate actions to address client issues. 

Assist the client to make decisions, if they seem unsure and incapable of deciding for themselves. 

Make suggestions to help the client decide on what to do regarding the particular situation.        Based on identified actions, confirm with the supervisor that actions are legal, ethical and align with organisational policies and procedures.  

Do the actions meet the duty of care required to be provided by the support worker? 

Is mandatory reporting required?

Are the actions ethical and legal? 

Are you crossing any boundaries? Providing too much personal support to clients? 

Have you adhered to privacy and confidentiality requirements? 

     Work with the client to develop a plan to access other types of informal and professional help to meet their needs (plan will be developed in part 2). 

Identify three (3) suitable activities that will provide immediate support for the client (include referral options). 

Identify the person responsible for completing the activity. 

Identify the time frame (frequency) of when the activity needs to occur. 

Client instructions for student playing Anna: 

Begin conversation with the support worker and share personal information about what is occurring at home. 

Start to cry / show distress when talking about crisis occurring at home. 

Listen to the case worker when they provide guidance on potential links to safety 

Reflect on personal feelings and behaviour and explain that you are too scared to say anything to your mum about what is happening and you are fearful for your safety because of your dad. 

Answer in detail any questions the support worker. 

State that this is what is causing you to feel depressed and suicidal. 

Explain what you believe may help you address your needs (see a psychologist, move to a more stable living environment) 

Work with the support worker to develop a plan that will provide immediate support.      Answer all questions the support worker. 

Instructions for student playing Carla: 

Show reluctance and hesitation when speaking with the support worker.   

Express a feeling of obligation to care for Tony and state that you will feel guilty if you no longer tend to him on a daily basis. 

lot of support. 

Show resistance to take on board support workers suggestions to potential links to safety. 

Listen to activities the support worker suggests you participate in. 

Follow the support workers lead when developing a plan that will provide immediate support.         Answer questions the case worker, required to complete a safety plan. 

Instructions for student playing John: 

Begin conversation with the support worker and share personal information about what is occurring in personal life because of a traumatic experience. 

Show distress when talking about crisis and feelings of depression and panic. 

Listen to the case worker when they provide guidance on potential links to safety. e alone. State that this is what is causing you to feel more depressed. 

Work with the support worker to develop a plan that will provide immediate support. 

                                   Answer questions the case worker, required to complete a safety plan. 

Scenario 1: 

A 15-year-old female named Anna presents at your agency very upset and withdrawn. When you speak to her, you discover that she is having major problems at home. She is constantly fighting with her mother and father. Her mother does not know, but her father inflicts verbal and physical abuse on her. Her attendance at school has been dropping because of what is occurring at home and her 


wants to leave home but is scared her parents will come after her. She is depressed and has suicidal feelings that are becoming more frequent. 

Scenario 2: 

Carla comes into your community centre when you are on intake duty. She is a 48-year-old teacher who gets up early every day, drives to the boarding house where her 22-year-old son Tony lives, wakes and will lose his job. Doing this daily for five days a week is very hard on Carla: it takes so long to wake 

Carla goes above and beyond for her son as he is inflicting harm on himself and she is seriously concerned that his injuries will worsen. She has to be secretive about this, because if her husband finds 


Scenario 3: 

John is a community support worker who recently was called out to a site to try and de-escalate a crisis situation, in collaboration with the police department. The client he is tend frequently coming to visit him looking for support with her mental health. John and the police arrived on 

was shocked and now experiences Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and mental health issues of his own. 

He now finds it difficult to fulfill his work roles and responsibilities as, every time he is called out to a crisis situation, he experiences severe panic attacks. John is worried about his declining mental health and his job stability. He has to fulfill the obligations of his role but it is making him progressively more             he lives alone, is middle aged and does not have any immediate family, hence he has come to your community support service seeking help. 


Part 2 


Develop a safety plan based on the information gathered during the role play with the client. The plan needs to include: 

Home Address 

Phone Number 


Emergency Contact 


Health Needs 

Cultural Heritage / Spirituality

People in their life who are important; liste their name, relationship and phone number. 

Considerations people need to make when in a crisis. Any reminders needing to be made when in a crisis. 

Identify and briefly explain 3 x intervention activities suitable for the client to partake in (as discussed during role play) 

Person responsible for doing doing the activity 

Time frame (when activity needs to begin and the frequency) 

Signature and client and support worker  


Safety Plan 



Phone number: 


Emergency contact: 


Health Needs: 

Cultural Heritage / Spirituality: 

Are there people in your life who are important to you? List their name, relationship and phone number 


Activity #1 

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Activity #2

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Activity #3

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Signature of client: 

Signature of support worker: 


Safety Plan 



Phone number: 


Emergency contact: 


Health Needs: 

Cultural Heritage / Spirituality: 

Are there people in your life who are important to you? List their name, relationship and phone number 


Activity #1 

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Activity #2

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Activity #3

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Signature of client: 

Signature of support worker: 


Safety Plan 



Phone number: 


Emergency contact: 


Health Needs: 

Cultural Heritage / Spirituality: 

Are there people in your life who are important to you? List their name, relationship and phone number 


Activity #1 

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Activity #2 

Personal Responsible:

Time Frame: 

Activity #3 

Personal Responsible: 

Time Frame: 

Signature of client: 

Signature of support worker: