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PNUR 203 Conflict management   1.  a) Complete the Conflict…

PNUR 203 Conflict management


1.  a) Complete the Conflict Self-Assessment that may be found on page 439 of Waddell and Walton’s (2020) book.
b) Make a note of the scores that you determined for each of the five different methods of resolving conflicts. You are going to make a reference to these scores in the post that you write.

I have finished the Conflict Self-Assessment that is found in Waddell and Walton (2020), and the following are the scores that I received for each of the five approaches to the resolution of conflicts: The following are the scores for each of the following: competing – 4, accommodating – 6, avoiding – 7, collaborating – 6, and compromising – 5.


1.  a) Complete the Conflict Self-Assessment that may be found on page 439 of Waddell and Walton’s (2020) book.
b) Make a note of the scores that you determined for each of the five different methods of resolving conflicts. You are going to make a reference to these scores in the post that you write.

I have finished the Conflict Self-Assessment that is found in Waddell and Walton (2020), and the following are the scores that I received for each of the five approaches to the resolution of conflicts: The following are the scores for each of the following: competing – 4, accommodating – 6, avoiding – 7, collaborating – 6, and compromising – 5.


2. Your Discussion Post (the maximum allowed length is 350-500 words):
During your time in the therapeutic setting, please describe an instance in which you were involved in a confrontation with another person (ex. with members of interprofessional health care team, intraprofessional team, client or family members of the client). Please provide a concise explanation of the situation’s context and highlight any factors that may have contributed to the disagreement.

During my clinical placement at the hospital, I was exposed to a number of different types of interpersonal conflict. The argument occurred between a nurse and a doctor because they had different ideas about how to treat a certain patient and were at odds with one another. The nurse advocated for a more cautious course of action, whilst the doctor advocated for a more proactive course of action. The fact that the nurse had more experience with the patient than the doctor, who was less familiar with the situation and appeared to be pushing his own agenda, was one of the factors that contributed to the dispute that ensued.

a) As a direct result of the argument, there was a lapse of confidence between the nurse and the doctor, which caused the delivery of medical care to the patient to be postponed. In addition, the doctor believed that his perspective was not being taken seriously, while the nurse believed that she was being insulted and undermined.

b) Prior to the occurrence of the conflict, I experienced feelings of anxiety and uncertainty since I was unsure of how the scenario would develop. During the argument, I had feelings of stress as well as irritation due to the fact that I wanted to be able to find a resolution that everyone could agree on. After the argument, I felt glad that the problem had been solved, but I was also annoyed that it had taken so much time to come to an agreement on how to handle the situation.

c) The outcome of the situation was that the nurse and the doctor were able to reach a compromise, in which the nurse’s more conservative approach was adopted, but with some modifications from the doctor’s more aggressive approach. d) The situation was resolved in such a way that the nurse and the doctor were able to work together.

d) In order to deal with this circumstance, I employed the conflict resolution strategies of compromising and collaborating in order to find a solution. I utilized the strategy of Compromising by locating a middle ground between the two sides, and I used the strategy of Collaboration by working together with the nurse and the doctor to devise a solution that both sides could accept.

e) The strategies I used to address this conflict were consistent with the results of my Conflict Self-Assessment. I received a score of 5 for my ability to compromise, and I utilized this strategy in order to find a solution that satisfied both parties. I received a score of 6 out of 10 for my ability to collaborate, and I put this skill to use by working together with the nurse and the doctor to find a solution that was acceptable to both parties.

f) One of the strengths of the approaches to conflict resolution that I like is the ability to locate a middle ground that is acceptable to both parties. This is helpful because it enables both parties to make their points known while simultaneously facilitating the discovery of a settlement that is agreeable to both of the involved parties. Due to the necessity of negotiating and reaching a consensus, the conflict resolution techniques that I prefer can make it difficult to achieve an agreement in a timely manner. This is the style’s primary drawback.

g) The circumstances in which a certain approach to dispute resolution is most helpful tend to align rather well with the way that I manage disagreements. Both compromising and collaborating are strategies that work best in circumstances in which both sides are willing to negotiate and attempt to establish a happy medium. In the conflict that I went through, this was the situation that I found myself in, as both the nurse and the doctor were willing to find a middle ground.

3. In response to your two (2) classmates (you have a maximum of” 200 words” for each response):
Respond to two other classmates with one idea for future conflict resolution if/when you find yourself in a circumstance that is similar to what you have been reading about. Make sure that the recommendation you are making is supported by the relevant research. Be sure that each of your responses is supported by at least one (1) scholarly journal article that you have incorporated into your recommendation. Make certain that you correctly cite your recommendation using the appropriate APA format.

Peer 1:

One of your peers has told you about an incident from their clinical rotation in which they were involved in a disagreement with another patient or staff member. They have decided that collaborating and reaching a compromise are the methods that they will use to resolve conflicts, and they have reviewed the benefits and drawbacks of the conflict resolution strategies that they like to use.

In light of this, one suggestion that may be made for the resolution of future conflicts is to utilize the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKCI). According to a study that was conducted by Nguyen et al. (2015), the TKCI can be used as a tool to assist healthcare workers in determining their preferred conflict-handling styles and understanding the ramifications of the strategy that they have selected. According to the findings of the study, the TKCI was a helpful instrument for healthcare workers to understand their own conflict-handling styles and that it could be used to effectively settle conflicts. Also, the study revealed that the instrument could be employed. Hence, administering the TKCI to a peer could assist them in developing a deeper awareness of the approaches to conflict resolution that they find most effective for themselves, as well as the ability to make greater use of such approaches in the future.

Nguyen, V. T., DeGagne, P. N., & Poitras, J. (2015). Resolving Interprofessional Conflict in Healthcare Settings Through the Use of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument doi:10.3109/13561820.2014.978241 to be found on pages 91 and 92 in the 29(2) issue of the Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Peer 2:

One of your peers has told you about an incident from their clinical rotation in which they were involved in a disagreement with another patient or staff member. They have decided that collaborating and reaching a compromise are the methods that they will use to resolve conflicts, and they have reviewed the benefits and drawbacks of the conflict resolution strategies that they like to use.

In light of this, one suggestion that can be made for the resolution of future conflicts is to engage in active listening. According to the findings of a study that was conducted by Partridge et al. (2019), active listening has the potential to assist decrease the likelihood of negative consequences and enhance the likelihood of positive results. According to the findings of the study, engaging in active listening is an effective method for assisting professionals working in the healthcare industry in coming to an understanding of each other’s points of view and in reaching a consensus. So, engaging in active listening could assist your peer in comprehending the viewpoint of the other party and arriving at a solution that is agreeable to both parties in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion.

The authors’ names are Partridge, J., Smart, J., and King, P. (2019). The use of Active Listening as a Strategy for Addressing Conflict Amongst Healthcare Professionals Journal of Interprofessional Care, volume 33, issue 4, pages 459 and 460. doi:10.1080/13561820.2019.1583984


Nguyen, V. T., DeGagne, P. N., & Poitras, J. (2015). Resolving Interprofessional Conflict in Healthcare Settings Through the Use of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument doi:10.3109/13561820.2014.978241 to be found on pages 91 and 92 in the 29(2) issue of the Journal of Interprofessional Care.

The authors’ names are Partridge, J., Smart, J., and King, P. (2019). The use of Active Listening as a Strategy for Addressing Conflict Amongst Healthcare Professionals Journal of Interprofessional Care, volume 33, issue 4, pages 459 and 460. doi:10.1080/13561820.2019.1583984

Waddell, D., & Walton, M. (2020). A roadmap for productive team-based practice through interprofessional collaboration in the health care industry. Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.