Project 3 Competency You will demonstrate your mastery of the…
Project 3
You will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Create a framework for professional identity and career-long learning
Consider your professional perspective: Identify core values and beliefs and the standards underlying your nursing practice. Tailor a plan for career-long learning that serves your goals.
As an experienced nurse working to complete an MSN degree and plan for the future, it is time to create your own personal philosophy of nursing. This document outlines a framework for your professional identity that can grow with you and support your continued learning throughout your career. Your unique philosophy of nursing is dynamic and multifaceted, and it will change over time. Though you may have considered your personal philosophy of nursing in the past, it will likely differ from what you will write today and what you could write at the end of your program. It is an evolving statement about your beliefs and values that is impacted by your education, experience, professional role, and even your personal life. You will use your personal philosophy of nursing to articulate your beliefs and values to peers, employers, persons, and families, and to guide your ethical decisions in practice. It may also be used to inform your future career growth.
In creating your personal philosophy of nursing, you will reflect on your beliefs, core values, and ethics as you take the next steps in your MSN program and look forward toward your future as an MSN-prepared nurse.
Your personal philosophy of nursing should be completed using Microsoft Word. Be sure to include appropriate APA citations for your work.
Address criteria:
Professional Nurse: Reflect on beliefs regarding the professional nursing role and support claims with specific evidence from at least one professional source. Consider current work as well as future as an MSN professional nurse. You may be an expert in your current role but stepping into the role of an MSN professional nurse may make you feel like a novice again. It will likely be straightforward for you to define your current daily tasks, but think about the components of professionalism, including ethics, in your work. Discuss what it means for you to think, act, and feel like a nurse and why. Support your ideas with relevant examples. The following factors could be used to guide your response:
Influences such as education, experience (moving from a novice to an expert), mentorship/preceptorship, beliefs, and values
Standards such as the ANA Scope and Standards of practice along with boards of nursing
Nursing Values: Explain nursing values underlying professional practice and conduct. You have previously explored the nursing values at a high level, and you are more familiar with some from your personal experience, while there are others you are likely to be less familiar with. Now it is time to further your understanding by taking a more comprehensive approach that considers some less-discussed areas and their importance. Select 1 to 2 that are most important for your personal beliefs in your current nursing practice. Take a deeper dive into their influences on your role. Be sure to support your ideas with evidence and relevant examples. As a reminder, the values are as follows:
Social justice
Team Impacts: Analyze contributions to an interprofessional team in current nursing practice and support claims with specific evidence from at least one scholarly source. This will be an important part of your philosophy because you will often be interacting with and relying on professionals with different roles and experience than your own. Aspects of professionalism require you to thoughtfully navigate and collaborate in team interactions. Be sure to discuss how both ethical comportment and accountability influences your professional practice within a team.
MSN Practice: Discuss how you anticipate personal philosophy of nursing could evolve in your future MSN practice. Be sure to cover all the areas previously explored, but from this new perspective. You will likely not be able to determine everything accurately but looking ahead will help you plan for the future. Be sure to address the following in your response:
Nursing values
Team leadership
Career-Long Learning: Create a plan for career-long learning and support claims with specific evidence from at least one professional source. Part of professional identity is perspective on education as it relates to your personal and professional development. Once you complete your MSN program, consider a plan for your future education. Remember that continuing education is a requirement for licensure. Though certification and additional degrees are not required, they should still be considered as a potential part of your plan. Think about how the following could become potential parts of your future educational pathway.
Continuing education for licensure
Terminal degrees (PhD, DNP)