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The first step in developing a system is understanding the problem…

The first step in developing a system is understanding the problem (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). Technologies that lead to enhanced decision-making strategies systems development life cycle, which is used to make essential and appropriate organizational decisions for technology adoption technologies available in healthcare, including Electronic Health Records (EHR), Personal Health Records (PHR), Decision Support Systems, Computerized Communication Systems, Biomedical Monitoring Devices, and Educational Technology Tools (Rasmussen University, n.d.) Client self-management technologies such as mhealth and external wearable devices lead to enhanced decision-making to help collaborate care and manage medical conditions, promote real-time data, and allow clients to manage their care. Such technologies support healthcare decision-making, including technologies that promote care coordination, client self-management, and community health. The waterfall model’s first phase is the address feasibility. Feasibility addresses the issues of technological capabilities, including the expertise and infrastructure needed to implement the technology (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). Computerized Physician Order Entry is a Decision Support System used by healthcare providers that formulate alternative solutions using pathways based on data provided (Rasmussen University, n.d.). The new knowledge gained about technologies will impact my nursing practice by allowing me to educate my patients with up-to-date information and improve patient safety, outcomes, and satisfaction.  


Evidence-based practice influences healthcare technology by ensuring valid and reliable data use. Technological advances such as data mining provide an opportunity to determine best practices to support the delivery of effective care (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). The new knowledge gained will impact my nursing practice, such as data mining; I can look up patient history and implement evidence-based practice for better patient outcomes.   


Communication technologies help ensure positive patient outcomes and promote safety and quality improvement. Technologies such as client call lights give patients away access to their healthcare team. Pagers or phones used in facilities allow healthcare teams to communicate with each other. Bar-coded medication administration (BCMA) system is used to safely administer medication that aligns with the client’s five medication rights (Rasmussen University, n.d.). The knowledge gained about communication technologies on safety and quality will allow me to review records to ensure that best practices are implemented and documented.  


The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Code of Ethics and the Ethical Model for Ethical Decision-Making are ethical frameworks that support nurses in navigating ethical approaches to patient care using technology (Rasmussen University, n.d.). healthcare team must ensure the ethical and legal use of patient information. Respect for a patient’s autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are ethical issues that can arise. The ethical principle of respect for autonomy involves protecting a patient’s confidentiality (Rasmussen University, n.d.). 


Nursing informatics role and scope of practice address safety concerns and remedies that must be analyzed, synthesized and integrated throughout the system (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). Nurse informatics scope of practice guides their scope to support different environments such as administrative, educational, and research settings. The nurse informaticist supports nurses, consumers, patients, the interprofessional healthcare team, and other stakeholders in decision-making to achieve outcomes (Rasmussen University, n.d.). 


Innovative systems and the distribution of technology help enhance the quality of healthcare delivery and patient safety because it is patient-focused. Innovative systems reduce healthcare costs caused by improved efficiencies, and technology distribution allows healthcare teams access to accurate patient information. Innovative systems such as electronic medical records allow technology such as patient portals to be distributed to all patients.  


Digital fluency is knowing how to use technology and when and why to use technology (Rasmussen University, n.d.). I have learned to use technology for a positive intended effect. One way that I have met digital fluency is that I am now comfortable with using tools such as infographics and search engines. 


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.