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This assignment is a reflection of first year student in long-term…

This assignment is a reflection of first year student in long-term care. scholar resources should be used.

should be based on first few weeks of nursing student with PSW. Please include anatomy in it too.

This assignment has been designed to have you reflect and critically appraise a relational experience during your clinical rotation.

Relational experiences can be many things including, interpersonal interactions (nurse-client, nurse-nurse, nurse-other), approaches, and communication events. For the purposes of this assignment, you will focus on an interpersonal experience.

The completed assignment should fall between 750 and 1250 words. APA 7th edition must be followed. A introduction page and the citation page are required. Please use the steps below and the RUBRIC as a guide.


Step 1:

Reflect on an interpersonal relational experience during clinical and answer the following reflection questions.

Remember to use only initials or pseudonyms to maintain confidentiality.


What happened?
What was your role?
How did your experience impact you?
What was your reaction?
Feelings, emotions?
What made the experience stand out to you?



Step 2:

Apply your knowledge of at least 3 concepts from this course to analyze what factors were involved in this situation and how the experience may have been handled differently. Use correctly cited evidence from three (3) or more scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (beyond the textbook) total. Some questions that might help your analysis:

Why  you think it might have happened?
How might the situation have been handled differently?
What did you learn?
What were your strengths and your areas for improvement?
What learning opportunities did you identify through your experience?
What  you need to learn to improve your practice?
What did you learn that you will continue to use throughout your practice?
Did you experience any challenges? If so, what were they? How did you manage them?


Step 3:

Describe how you intend to move forward in your nursing practice in the future. Some questions that might help your thinking:

What  you think will change, if anything, in terms of how you work in the future?
Why are these changes important?
How will you adapt to these changes?
Based on your reflection, what areas of your nursing knowledge, skill and judgment can you identify needing professional development?
How will addressing these areas help you maintain or improve your nursing knowledge, skills, or judgment?


Adapted from the College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Reflection Guidelines (2022)



Grading Rubric


Step 1:  Description

5 4 3 2 0-1



Narrative description of the incident/event

Identifies reaction, feelings, learning, etc.

Provides a detailed narrative description as per outline of the paper.

Narrative is complete but simple in addressing the outline.



Provides a general narrative description with components of the outline missing. Narrative is brief with little details to explain the situation. Poor representation of the situation or event.  
Step 2:  Analysis (1) 5 4 3 2 0-1  

Detailed analysis and description with use of references to support and explain Concept #1 and its connection to the experience.


Fully developed analysis and connection to course concept.

Fully supported with current evidence-based rationale.

Well-developed discussion. 

Providing some explanation. Using some references.


Discussion lacks connection with course concept.

Weak application of references.



Discussion basic without elaboration. Poor use of evidence-based references. 


Very weak analysis. 

No use of references.

Step 2:  Analysis (2) 5 4 3 2 0-1  

Detailed analysis and description with use of references to support and explain Concept #2 and its connection to the experience.


Fully developed analysis and connection to course concept.

Fully supported with current evidence-based rationale.

Well-developed discussion. 

Providing some explanation. Using some references.

Discussion lacks connection with course concept.

Weak application of references.



Discussion basic without elaboration. Poor use of evidence-based references. 


Very weak analysis. 

No use of references.

Step 2:  Analysis (3) 5 4 3 2 0-1  

Detailed analysis and description with use of references to support and explain Concept #3 and its connection to the experience.


Fully developed analysis and connection to course concept.

Fully supported with current evidence-based rationale.

Well-developed discussion. 

Providing some explanation. Using some references.


Discussion lacks connection with course concept.

Weak application of references.



Discussion basic without elaboration. Poor use of evidence-based references. 


Very weak analysis. 

No use of references.



Step 3: Moving Forward 5 4 3 2 0-1  
Reflect on goal setting and plans for the future of your relational practice, specific to the identified concepts. Clearly describes, provides connection and support of concepts. Description could be clearer; relationship to references provides sufficient support. Description is basic and lacks depth; references are basic and supports minimally.  Description is underdeveloped with little relationship to references.

Weak effort to make connections or errors made, no references made.




Deductions   0 – 1 – 2  – 3 – 4 or -5  







 accurate citations in-text and references.  style or grammar – one error.

 and/or grammar errors.







  grammar errors. 






Multiple and/or grammar errors.





Total score:                      /25