Trying to draft a practice research PICO(T) topic using these…
Trying to draft a practice research PICO(T) topic using these articles: Can you help me formulate a this?
Researching preventing recurrent MDD and wants to rule in or out MBCT to create proposed future research.
PICO(T) Question is: In adults who are at risk of relapse of depression/MDD (population), what is the effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) (intervention), in comparison to no mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (comparative/alternative intervention), on preventing depression relapse (outcome) over six months (time frame)?
MBCT to Prevent MDD Relapse
PICO(T) Question is: In adults who are at risk of relapse of depression/MDD (population), what is the effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) (intervention), in comparison to no mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (comparative/alternative intervention), on preventing depression relapse (outcome) over six months (time frame)?
Professional Goals
Discuss how this PICO (T) will enhance the development in the advanced practice role and articulate the relevance of the Scholarly Project to contemporary advanced nursing practice.
Project Objectives
Detailed statements of the steps and tasks taken to achieve the goal.
-Objectives lay out your plan to accomplish your goal;
-focused and practical.
-purpose of PICO (T)
-summarize the main points
– inform the reader of the significance (the take-away) of this PICOT question.
Using the following references:
Cohen, Z. D., DeRubeis, R. J., Hayes, R., Watkins, E. R., Lewis, G., Byng, R., Byford, S., Crane, C., Kuyken, W., Dalgleish, T., & Schweizer, S. (2023). The development and internal evaluation of a predictive model to identify for whom mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) offers superior relapse prevention for recurrent depression versus maintenance antidepressant medication. Clinical Psychological Science: A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 11(1), 59-76.
Coughlan, M., Cronin, P., & Ryan, F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 16(11), 658-663.
de Klerk-Sluis, J. M., Huijbers, M. J., Löcke, S., Spijker, J., Spinhoven, P., Speckens, A. E. M., & Ruhe, H. G. (2022). Factors associated with relapse and recurrence of major depressive disorder in patients starting mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Depression and Anxiety, 39(2), 113-122.
Hong, Q. N., Pluye, P., Fabreques, S., Bartlett, G., Boardman, F., Cargo, M., Dagenais, P., Gagnon, M.-P., Griffiths, F., Nicolau, B., O’Cathain, A., Rousseau, M.-C., & Vedel, V. (2018). Mixed methods appraisal tool (MMAT) version 2018: User guide.
Huijbers, M. J., Wentink, C., Simons, E., Spijker, J., & Speckens, A. (2020). Discontinuing antidepressant medication after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: A mixed-methods study exploring predictors and outcomes of different discontinuation trajectories, and its facilitators and barriers. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e039053.
Moore, M. T., Lau, M. A., Haigh, E. A. P., Willett, B. R., Bosma, C. M., & Fresco, D. M. (2022). Association between decentering and reductions in relapse/recurrence in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression in adults: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90(2), 137-147.
Raynsford, J. (2019). Antidepressant discontinuation and relapse rates: can cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy help? Evidence-Based Nursing, 22(4), 155-156.
Ryan, F., Coughlan, M., & Cronin, P. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: Qualitative research. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 16(12), 738-744.
Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Visted, E., Svendsen, J. L., Osnes, B., Binder, P. E., Franer, P., & Sørensen, L. (2020). The effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on risk and protective factors of depressive relapse: A randomized wait-list controlled trial. BMC Psychology, 8, Article 57.
Segal, Z. V., Dimidjian, S., Beck, A., Boggs, J. M., Vanderkruik, R., Metcalf, C. A., Gallop, R., Felder, J. N., & Levy, J. (2020). Outcomes of online mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for patients with residual depressive symptoms: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 77(6), 563-573.
Tickell, A., Byng, R., Crane, C., Gradinger, F., Hayes, R., Robson, J., Cardy, J., Weaver, A., Morant, N., & Kuyken, W. (2020). Recovery from recurrent depression with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and antidepressants: A qualitative study with illustrative case studies. BMJ Open, 10(2), e033892.
Wang, J., Ren, F., Gao, B., & Yu, X. (2022). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in recurrent MDD patients with residual symptoms: Alterations in resting-state theta oscillation dynamics associated with changes in depression and rumination. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 818298.
Wentink, C., Huijbers, M. J., Lucassen, P., Kramers, C., Akkermans, R., Adang, E., Spijker, J., & Speckens, A. E. M. (2019). Discontinuation of antidepressant medication in primary care supported by monitoring plus mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus monitoring alone: Design and protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Family Practice, 20(1), Article 105.
Williams, K., Hartley, S., Anderson, I. M., Birtwell, K., Dowson, M., Elliott, R., & Taylor, P. (2022). An ongoing process of reconnection: A qualitative exploration of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for adults in remission from depression. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 95(1), 173-190.