Hi can you help me with this assignment. thank you Lindsay Smyth, a…
Hi can you help me with this assignment. thank you
Lindsay Smyth, a 15-year-old young woman, was admitted by her pediatrician for evaluation. Her
parents, who are divorced, came with her to the hospital. The client lives with her mother the majority
of the time and has no siblings. She has no past psychiatric history or other medical problems. Her
pediatrician and her parents report that the client has lost 40lbs in the past year. Despite this weight
loss, she has continued to go to school and to excel academically. She also jogs 2 hours every day
regardless of the weather conditions. The client has a limited social life.
The client is an underweight 15-year-old. She is 5ft, 4in tall and weighs 90lbs. She carefully removes her
shoes, socks, and all outer clothing prior to weighting. She is most concerned about the accuracy of the
scale. The client denies dizziness or seizures. Sometimes she has constipation. She has not had her
period in 5 months, but she is not concerned about this change. Upon physical examination, her hands
and feet are cold and dry with lanugo on her legs.
The client is defiant during the assessment interview. When she is asked to describe herself, she says
that she is overweight. When asked about her typical diet, she responds, “its normal.” She would give
no details about her diet. The client wears a large shirt that hangs down to her knees. During the
interview, she tells you that she must unpack and will not answer questions unless she can unpack. You
notice that she carefully arranges all of her clothing and personal items doing this while avoiding eye
When you interview her mother and father, they say that their daughter will not talk about her weight
loss with them. Her mother is well dressed and appears thin for her height. She was unaware that her
daughter had not had a period for 5 months. The client sees her father once a month. Both parents say
that their daughter must have a physical problem that is causing the weight loss. In addition, they think
exercise is important, and they both participate in daily exercise programs. Both parents deny any
issues with eating, Mom stated that they do not eat together on a regular basis.
After the client’s first day in the hospital, she has only been out of her room as required. She has not
been eating but has been drinking water and orange juice at specific times. When you found her
exercising in her room she refused to stop. The treatment team is meeting to plan further assessments,
laboratory testing and treatments. Her admission diagnosis is anorexia nervosa.
The client’s diagnostic findings are as follows:
Vital signs: Blood pressure 100/70, Respirations 20, Oral temperature 37.3 C, Heart rate 82 bpm
Hematology: RBC 3.5, Hgb 100 g/L, Hct 32%, WBC 4000
1Urine drug screen: Negative for illicit drugs
1. Discuss 4 different factors that place the client at risk for developing an eating disorder.
2. What subjective and objective data supports the inference that the client is suffering from an
eating disorder? Provide research to support your answer.
3. How are anorexia nervosa and bulimia different? Be specific in your explanation.
4. What is the relationship between body image, need for control and eating disorders?
How does this apply to the case study?
5. Develop 3 specific nursing diagnoses that would be relevant to the client and provide rationale
for each.
6. Develop 2 realistic outcomes for the client prior to discharge with 2 interventions to help meet
each goal (4 interventions in total). Support your answer and link it to the case study.
7. How may your own biases regarding adolescents and eating disorders impact your ability to
provide care? Discuss three of your biases.