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CONCEPT: Intracranial Regulation EXAMPLAR: Cerebral Vascular…

CONCEPT: Intracranial Regulation

EXAMPLAR: Cerebral Vascular Accident


CASE: John Gates

PART 1 of 1 – Student Version 

Please feel out the case study. 


HPI: History of Present Problem: 

John Gates is a 59-year-old male with a history of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension who was at work when he had sudden onset of right-sided weakness, right facial droop, and difficulty speaking. He was transported via EMS (IV placed) to the emergency department (ED) where these symptoms continue to persist. It has been one hour from the onset of his neurologic symptoms when he presents to the ED. You are the nurse responsible for his care. 

His wife insists on being by his side and talking to John despite John’s frustration in not being able to answer her questions. His wife reports that the past week he has been complaining of episodes where his heart felt as if it was beating irregularly and fast but then resolved. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds (113.6 kg/BMI of 33.9).

Home Medications: atenolol, atorvastatin, lisinopril, metformin, sitagliptin

PMH: HTN, T2DM, Hyperlipidemia, CAD

Social History: 

John lives with his wife in their own home in a small rural community. He owns a hardware store where he remains active and involved in the day-to-day operations. John is a 20 pack-year smoker who has been trying to quit smoking the past month using a nicotine patch.  His wife reports that he does not regularly check his blood glucose, sporadically takes his oral glucose-lowering medication, and eats what he wants.


1. After reviewing the client information, highlight parts of the paragraph that are most concerning. 

2. From the choices below to specify what condition the client is most likely experiencing, 2 actions the nurse should take to address that condition, and 2 parameters the nurse should monitor to assess the client’s progress.

Actions to take (select 2) Potential condition Parameters to monitor (select 2)
Administer morphine  Hypoperfusion syndrome  Blood pressure
Bolus intravenous fluids Hypovolemic shock  Level of consciousness 
Give supplemental oxygen  Ischemic stroke Patency of airway 
Initiate code stroke Meningitis  Serum glucose 
Initiate seizure precautions   Range of motion



3. For each finding, place an “X” to specify if the finding is a risk factor or not a risk factor for stroke. 

Assessment/Finding Risk factor  Not risk factor
20 pack-year smoker



BMI 33.9



Does not check blood sugar



Facial weakness






Lives in rural area



Nicotine patch






Active lifestyle




4. Review and interpret the client’s VS and assessment data. What is the clinical significance of each value relative to the client’s clinical status?

Data Clinical Significance 

T: 99.2 F/37.3 C 

P: 118 (irregular) 

R: 20 (regular) 

BP: 198/94 MAP 129

O2 sat: 99% room air 

Neuro: Anxious, restless, and agitated, speech is currently slurred and difficult to understand, right facial droop with drooling, pupils (PERRL), right upper extremity and right lower extremity notably weak (3/5) in comparison to left, which is strong (5/5), right pronator drift present  
Cardiac: no edema, heart sounds irregular, pulses strong, equal with palpation. PIV left antecubital space.  
Resp: Breath sounds clear with equal aeration bilaterally, non-labored respiratory effort  
GI: Abdomen soft/non-tender, bowel sounds audible per auscultation in all 4 quadrants   
GU: has not voided since admission  


5. Interpret the rhythm strip in lead II: 

Regular rhythm: Y/N Rate:     P wave for every QRS: Y/N, PR interval: ____  QRS:__



6. Use an X to indicate whether the nursing actions below are: 

I = Indicated (appropriate for necessary)

D = Contraindicated (could be harmful)

Non-essential = (make no difference or not necessary)

Nursing Action Indicated Contraindicated Non-essential
Apply supplemental O2      
Call for stat head CT       
Perform NIH stroke scale exam      
Obtain CMP      
Provide low stimulation room      
Keep HOB less than 30 degrees      
Establish IV access      
Place on falls precaution      
Maintain bedrest      
Request nicotine patch       
Request consistent carb diet      
Bedside swallowing screen      
Continuous cardiac monitoring       



7. The provider orders the following. What is the rationale for each order? 

Provider orders Rationale:

Continuous cardiac monitoring
CT head STAT
IV NS @ 75 125 mL/hr.
Labetalol 10-20 mg IV prn every 15 minutes to keep SBP 160-180
Alteplase 0.9 mg/kg IV – per protocol (if CT negative for bleed)


8. Which orders are priority? Which orders must be completed before proceeding with additional interventions? 

9. Review and interpret the lab data. What is the clinical significance of each lab value relative to the client’s clinical status? For current data list if N = normal, A=abnormal, AA-abnormal but anticipated, C= critical                        

Lab Current

N, A,


Clinical Significance
WBC 6.8    
Hgb 14.8    
Platelets 228    
Neutrophil 71    
Sodium 133    
Potassium 4.1    
Glucose 222    
HgbA1C 11    
BUN/Creatinine 24/1.5    
GFR 58    
PT/INR 1.0    
Head CT no bleed, no shift    



10. The client is prescribed alteplase infusion 0.9 mg/kg IV; not to exceed 90 mg total dose; administer 10% of the total dose as an initial IV bolus over 1 minute and the remainder infused over 60 minutes. The client’s weight is 88 kg. Pharmacy sends alteplase 100 mg/100mL vial.

How many mg will be administered in the bolus dose? Round whole number. ­­­­________

For the remainder of the dose, you set the infusion pump to infuse at _____ml/hr.  Round to whole number.


The client’s condition has improved the next day and the nurse evaluates the client’s understanding of the instructions provided. 


11. Specify whether the statement indicates an understanding, or no understanding of the teaching provided.



No understanding 

“I will use the call bell and wait for someone to help me get out of bed.” 



“A speech and swallow test will determine if I can eat and drink.”   



“I will switch to an electric razor instead of straight razor to shave.”



“The physical therapist will determine my functional ability.”



“At discharge, I will no longer need an anticoagulant .”