Family Dynamics and Addiction Health Promotion Interventions …
Family Dynamics and Addiction Health Promotion Interventions
Interventions: Data are analyzed and synthesized to search for significant themes or trends. This analysis should result in discovery of community health problems (needs for action) and community health strengths (abilities) supporting community health promotion interventions as well as identifying needed Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Prevention.
Levels of Prevention and Leadership Role
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Prevention will be determined and the nursing roles will be identified within Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Prevention.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this activity students will be able to:
Gather and document data related to Family Dynamics and Addiction within the designated community.
Determine two Healthy People 2030 Health Objectives for the community.
Identify potential health promotion interventions to address two health objectives.
Identify Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Levels of Prevention.
Identify Leadership role of community-based nurses impacting population-focused health care outcomes.
This activity enables students to meet the following course outcomes:
Assess factors influencing the health of individuals, families and communities as a basis for planning population-focused nursing care aimed at improving health care outcomes.
Discuss processes, rooted in current scientific evidence, to enhance health promotion, disease, and injury prevention across the lifespan.
Plan health promotion for an independent older adult living in the community based on physical, functional, cognitive, and environmental assessment data.
Examine the leadership role of community-based nurses to impact population-focused health care outcomes.
DIRECTIONS: Enter information in table below.
Utilizing data from the windshield survey, complete the document specific to Family Dynamics and Addiction from across the Lifespan. Utilize the age groups identified by the Census Data; Individuals 65 years and older.
Please pay attention to the following directions.
Identify one Healthy People 2030 Health Objectives Pertinent to Community specific to Family Dynamics with your rationale for choice: (Include references to Healthy People website).
Identify one Healthy People 2030 Health Objectives Pertinent to Community specific to Addiction with your rationale for choice: (Include references to Healthy People website).
Health Promotion Interventions will be developed based on applicable Healthy People 2030 objectives. An analysis of your community assessment data will be utilized to identity applicable Healthy People 2030 objectives and interventions. Healthy People 2030 contains multiple topic areas. Each topic area includes an overview, objectives, data, evidence-based resources and interventions.
Identify two Potential Health Promotion Interventions to address each Healthy People 2030 Health Objective (professional journal article references required).
Provide examples for each of the three Levels of Prevention: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention and identify a Leadership role as community-based nurse related to at least one of the identified Levels of Prevention.
Resources: Below you will see examples of a variety of resources to assist you in data collection. The list is not all inclusive.
The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:
American FactFinderFind population, housing, and economic and geographic for your city based on U.S. Census data: http://factfinder2.census.gov
State and County QuickFactsEasy access to facts about people, business, and geography, based on U.S. Census data: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045217
EpodunkObtain information from the U.S. Census Bureau about a specific city, county, town, or community, and links to other useful websites: http://www.epodunk.com
U.S. Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov
The following resources provide information from Government Agencies:
Healthy People 2030This resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to reach by the year 2020: http://www.healthypeople.gov/
Administration on AgingThis is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This link provides information on how to find the local agency on aging for each state, which may be able to provide information about the geriatric population by state: https://acl.gov/programs
National Center for Health StatisticsThis agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s website provides statistical information about the health of Americans: http://www.cdc.gov/NCHS
Federal agencies with statistical programs: http://www.fedstats.gov/agencies
Every state in the United States also has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2030 document. This information may be available on the state’s health department website.
State and local health departments also provide information related to vital statistics for the community.
U.S. Department of EducationFind information related to the education performance of children in the United States, including the No Child Left Behind Act data (state and local education agencies may also provide local data): http://www.ed.gov/
U.S. Department of JusticeFind information related to youth violence, delinquency, and gang activity in the United States (local police and human service departments, as well as state juvenile and criminal justice agencies, also may provide local data): http://www.justice.gov
Other Data Sources
National Center for Children in PovertyFind information related to poverty incidence and factors that influence poverty for each of the 50 states: http://www.nccp.org/
National Family Caregivers AssociationThis website provides information about the caregivers of the frail and disabled elderly in America; caregiving statistics and survey and report data are found at: http://www.nfcacares.org
American Geriatrics SocietyThis organization is devoted to improving the health and quality of life of older people. This website has many links to other organizations that work with and for the elderly population: https://www.americangeriatrics.org/
Hartford Institute for Geriatric NursingThis website contains assessment tools that may be used with elderly individuals, ideas about assessment strategies, and tools that can be used with a geriatric population. Also, information regarding research, publications, white papers, and editorials related to geriatrics is available at this site: http://www.hartfordign.org/
AssessNowDeveloped through a joint project between the Washington State Department of Health and the University of Washington Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, this website contains links to a wide variety of Internet resources for all 50 states, access maybe limited: https://www.accessnow.org/
Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.
Previously Conducted Surveys
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) or Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)This resource provides data about risky behaviors engaged in by middle and high school students. This information may be retrieved on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, or it may be available on the state’s health department website. http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/yrbs/index.htm
Student Name: __________________________________________________________
Designated Community ________________________________________
Healthy People 2030 Health Objective related to Family Dynamics: (Age Group:___________)
List identifying data to support Health People 2030 Health Objective and Interventions.
Healthy People 2030 Health Objective related to Addiction: (Age Group:_________________)
List identifying data to support Health People 2030 Health Objective and Interventions.
Levels of Prevention and the Leadership role of the community-based nurse,
Identified Age Group
Primary Level of Prevention:
Secondary Level of Prevention:
Tertiary Level of Prevention:
Leadership role of the community-based nurse related to at least one Level of Prevention identified above.