For example that I provided to write three paragraphs following the…
For example that I provided to write three paragraphs following the rubric as like this. explain how you demonstrated leadership, interprofessional, and basically how it helped you grow as a nurse. Your simulation also offers quite a bit of opportunity for you to think like an RN and prioritize and delegate.
Reflection on Current Theory and Clinical Class:
This term, what I learned in the pediatrics theory class and my clinical course went hand
in hand and I felt very prepared when starting my clinical at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles.
Throughout my theory course, we learned various disease processes and how to best care for
them through pharmacological and nonpharmacological means and we learned how some
disorders affect children differently based on their age. We also learned the importance of
communicating well with both the parents of the patient and the patient themselves in a
comfortable and professional manner. With what we learned during theory I was able to use all
the information. I took the patient vital signs and was able to tell if they were within normal limits
for the age group that my patient belonged to. We also worked on different floors for each day
we were at clinical so I was able to see disease processes that we learned about in class in person such as osteosarcoma, type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, and developmental dysplasia of the hip. By understanding how these diseases work, I was able to use the nursing process to plan care for our patients.
Communication Style:
Having effective communication between patients, their family members, and any and all
medical professionals on the floor where one is working is very important and even though I was
on the night shift at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, I was able to form good communication
with my nurse and other nurses on the floor as well as with the parents of the patients. I had
patients that were 3 years or younger and most were developmentally delayed so I often talked
with the parents. I helped to educate a father on how to aspirate their child’s central line when
giving medications and he fully understood how to do it. I did this under supervision of my nurse and she talked it through with me before we helped the father and she made me feel comfortable enough to educate the father on my own. When I was taking vitals as well, I also made sure to tell the mother exactly what I was doing and why so she felt comfortable and secure with me in the room.
Leadership is vital to nursing and while in a clinical setting as a nurse it is difficult to find
situations where one can model leadership. I modeled leadership when providing safe, quality
nursing care by being patient with my patients and their families. Making sure to be confident in
what I was doing to try to put patients at ease. Continually, I made sure to communicate with the
care partners and let them know that for at least two of the rounds of vitals I would be there to
take them so they could focus on their other patients. Even though I worked with just myself and
my nurse on each clinical date, I took initiative and prepped the IV lines for all nurses of the unit
and took accurate vitals whenever I felt there was a change with the patient.
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Reflects on current theory and clinical class with concepts and theories using the Program Learning Outcomes and BSN Essentials listed in the syllabus
3.3 pts
Meets Expectations
1. Reflects on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other (transfer of knowledge to apply to clinical)- Focused to Current Term. 2. Synthesizes theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience. 3. Uses skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues 4. Applies knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
2.51 pts
Approaches Expectations
1. Limited reflection on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other (transfer of knowledge to apply to clinical)- Focused to Current Term. 2. Limited synthesis of theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience 3. Use limited skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues 4. Applies limited knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
1.65 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
1.No reflection on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other 2. Does not synthesize theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience 3. Does not use skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues 4. Does not apply knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
3.3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Develops an effective communication style for interacting with current patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health team when providing holistic, patient centered nursing care to populations encountered in this course.
3.4 pts
Meets Expectations
1. Reflects on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course. 2. Describes inter-collaborative involvement (i.e. Interprofessional rounds; consultations and interaction with PT/OT; Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacist consultation—describe their role/ contribution.)
2.58 pts
Approaches Expectations
1. A limited reflection on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course. 2. Describes limited inter-collaborative involvement
1.7 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
1. No reflection on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course. 2. Does not describes inter-collaborative involvement
3.4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Models leadership when providing safe, quality nursing care; coordinating the healthcare team; and when tasked with oversight and accountability for care delivery.
3.3 pts
Meets Expectations
1. Describe an event that demonstrates: application of leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination the oversight and accountability for care delivery 2. Describe an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team
2.51 pts
Approaches Expectations
1. Describes limited leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination and the oversight and accountability for care delivery 2. Limited description of an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team
1.65 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
1. Gives no examples of leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings 2. Does not describe an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team