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Task 2  I was doing cross words one to one with an elderly…
Task 2 
I was doing cross words one to one with an elderly (service users ).

What skills, behaviours and attributes did I demonstrate while carrying out this task?

The skills I demonstrated in this task was listening, it is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. (Skills you need 2011-2023: online).

This is because I had to listen very carefully on the words the service user was saying and where she was pointing to find the right words on the paper, listening is the effective key of communication. The behaviour that I had to show was patience as this elderly service user has slow cognition and takes them a long time to respond. So, by being patience and slowing down helped the service user to be more engaged and was able to get the right answer. This was because they did not feel rushed or cause them stress, so the activity remained enjoyable which boasts their mood and wellbeing. 

I was able to read the care plan of the service user to see what activity the service user likes the most. 



How have You participated in the activities-Interacting-assisting-promoting person-centred approaches- using reflective journals  respecting others, determination, self-reflection skills, organisational skills, interpersonal skills

What feedback did I receive?

The service user kept on saying they enjoyed it. 

The manager read the activity’s care notes and complimented me on how smart I was to read the care plan, execute a one-on-one activity with the service user, which they appreciated, and that I did well by not rushing them but rather by making them feel engaged.


What skills and attributes did you demonstrate during the activity

POSITIVE NEGATIVE -Problem solving, negotiating, one to one skill

What feedback did I receive-? Service user listening, confidence POSITIVE NEGATIVE

What factors influenced your performance? POSITIVE NEGATIVE

Confidence, self-esteem, independent, communication, what I could do better next time, what influenced you, policies and procedures, working under pressure, personal issues, being nervous, being organised,


What went well? 

I gathered some pencils which helped us to do the activity on the paper and it was a nice afternoon after the service user had lunch. It was a pleasant day. This action went smoothly because the service user was alert and engaged.


I think the service user enjoyed it as I could see how engaged the service user was and how confidence the service user grew as we continued doing the cross words. The service user was excited to do more cross words as we sing together any time, they got it right.


DVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES- of the positives and negatives

Conclusion Proficient work-related skills have benefits and limitations…

Which factors may have influenced my performance?

Some factors that have influenced my performance included that I had learnt from colleagues and read the care plan how to engage with some of the service users and what interest them the most. 

Another factor was the service user, and I got a bit distracted by staff members as they say hello to the service user anytime they walk pass as work was busy but enjoyed doing one to one and the service user enjoyed it as well.


What factors influenced your performance? POSITIVE NEGATIVE

Confidence, self-esteem, independent, communication, what I could do better next time, what influenced you, policies and procedures, working under pressure, personal issues, being nervous, being organised,

How did work shadowing or observing others complete the task help my performance?

I can get a very real feel of what professional life is like by shadowing someone. Working with an expert will give me a special perspective on the day-to-day activities of my chosen profession. i gain an understanding of what it’s like to deal with patients, to collaborate with other healthcare workers (such as nurses, PAs, and therapists), and what the joys and challenges of the job are. (Middlebury 2023: online)


By seeing other staff members, I was able to learn how they function as a team and apply those abilities to make my performance as successful as theirs. observing the personnel to see how they adhere to the care plan, policies, and procedures. I’ve learned how different circumstances call for varied communication between staff and students by observing how people interact in the workplace.  


I have observed a staff member participate in an activity with a service user, I saw the service user was glad and willing to do more cross words because the staff member was allowing the service user to participate more and trying to spell out the words for the service user to get it right.

Also, I have been able to expand on the information I already knew and receive insight into the abilities required to complete tasks in the workplace through regular observation and work shadowing. I have taken the initiative to carry out tasks in accordance with my duties and the rules of the workplace.



Work shadowing- how you have- watching, recording, listening, asking questions, confidence building, relationships with others

How can you improve-? Taking notes, research skills, one to one, confidence, perseverance, constructive feedback

How can I improve? 

I could improve more by organising mush activates which I can do with the service user instead of doing just cross words and another improvement I could was to ask my supervisor some tools which they use for activities and what I need to complete when doing the activities with the service user. I should do better at acquiring various crossword puzzle books or news publications, which we can do more of and get those with bold writing and larger type, as well as books that are coloured so that the service user can see it clearly.


Work shadowing- how you have- watching, recording, listening, asking questions, confidence building, relationships with others

How can you improve-? Taking notes, research skills, one to one, confidence, perseverance, constructive feedback

Observed improvements (if task is being repeated)

observation is the action or process of observing something or someone to gain information”. Our observation skills inform us about objects, events, attitudes, and phenomena using one or more senses.

Improving my observation skills allows me to “listen” with more than just my ears and make better decision. (CCMIT 2023: online)

Some improvement I have made is having the responsibility to be able to tell a service user when they are disturbing other service users and engage in activities. Another improvement is I was being able to read the care plan very well to do how I to provide the best possible care for each residence as all residence needs are different. 


DVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES- of the positives and negatives

Conclusion Proficient work-related skills have benefits and limitations…









good evening,

I answered the questions  and my feedback was the one written in bold and underline, if you can help me pls and the questions to my answers are below . also can u use I instead of you as i am referring it to myself

p5             Demonstrate work-related skills to meet set objectives for work experience tasks.


C.P6    Discuss ways in which work shadowing and observation can support development of own skills while on work placement.


C.M3   Demonstrate work-related skills with confidence and proficiency to meet objectives in different situations.

C.D2    Demonstrate work-related skills proficiently, taking the initiative to carry out activities according to own responsibilities and setting’s procedures and selecting appropriate skills and techniques for different situations.