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  NR 505: Research Summary Assignment Table Name:…


NR 505: Research Summary Assignment Table

Name: _______________________________


Date: ________________________________


Follow the instructions located in the Week 5 Assignment Guideline and Rubric to complete the information below.

Use complete sentences to document findings. 


Practice Issue and PICOT Statement

For nurses in acute care hospital units(P), what is the effect of daily team huddles(I) as compared to no daily huddles(C) to improve communication between team members and patient safety(O) over a four-week period(T)?





Article #1
Full reference for article (APAformat)  
Research Method  
Data Collection Methods  
Study Findings  
Limitations of the Study  
Relevance to Practice Issue and/or Proposed Intervention  



Article #2
Full reference for article (APA )  
Research Method  
Data Collection Methods  
Study Findings  
Limitations of the Study  
Relevance to Practice Issue and/or Proposed Intervention  



Article #3
Full reference for article (APA)  
Research Method  
Data Collection Methods  
Study Findings  
Limitations of the Study  
Relevance to Practice Issue and/or Proposped Intervention  



Article #4
Full reference for article (APA )  
Research Method  
Data Collection Methods  
Study Findings  
Limitations of the Study  
Relevance to Practice Issue and/or Proposed Intervention  




Article #5
Full reference for article (APA )  
Research Method  
Data Collection Methods  
Study Findings  
Limitations of the Study  
Relevance to Practice Issue and/or Proposed Intervention  


 Assignment Overview

Identify and review a minimum of 5 original nursing research articles that relate to the practice issue and proposed intervention described within the PICOT statement. Sources should come from peer-reviewed journals and be current within 5 years. NOTE: literature reviews, chart reviews, and annotated bibliographies may not be used as they are not original research.

For each scholarly source reviewed, address the following criteria and document your findings on the Review of Scholarly Literature Table provided:

o   APA formatted reference entry for the publication

o   Purpose of the research study

o   Research methods used within the study

o   Study participants

o   Data collection methods used within the study

o   Study findings

o   Limitations of the study

o   Relevance to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention included in the PICOT statement

Assignment Instructions

1.      Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

2.      Review a minimum of 5 original nursing research studies.

a.      Sources should be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.

b.      Sources should be current within 5 years.

3.      Complete the Week 5 Review of Scholarly Literature Table using the template provided.

4.      Use correct spelling, word usage, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure congruent with graduate-level writing.


Assignment Criteria

Category Points % Description
Practice Issue and PICOT Statement 10 4%

·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements:

o   Population and Problem

o   Intervention

o   Comparison

o   Outcome

o   Timeframe

Review of 5 Scholarly Literature Sources 200 80%

Each review includes the following:

·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Quality of Scholarly Literature Sources 25 10%

Each of the scholarly sources meet the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

Graduate-level writing style 15 6%

For full credit in this rubric category, all of the following criteria must be met:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing


Total 250 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.








Assignment Criteria










 Marginally Acceptable






Practice Issue and PICOT Statement 10  Points 9 Points 8 Points 7  Points 0 Points

Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all of the criteria are included and covered in a comprehensive manner:


·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements

–          Population

–          Intervention

–          Comparison

–          Outcome

–          Timeframe


Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by all of the criteria are included and most are covered in a comprehensive manner, but in one area the coverage is superficial:

·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements

–          Population

–          Intervention

–          Comparison

–          Outcome

–          Timeframe


Proficient presentation of information evidenced by all of the criteria are included however content is superficial manner in two or more of areas:

·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements

–          Population

–          Intervention

–          Comparison

–          Outcome

–          Timeframe


Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following areas:


·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements

–          Population

–          Intervention

–          Comparison

–          Outcome

–          Timeframe


Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following areas:


·       Succinct description of the practice issue and its significance to the nursing profession (3-5 sentences)

·       Clearly written narrative PICOT statement is included on the assignment table

·       Phrasing within the PICOT statement includes the following elements

–          Population

–          Intervention

–          Comparison

–          Outcome

–          Timeframe


Review of Scholarly Literature Sources –


200 Points 184 Points 168 Points 152  Points 0 Points

Exemplary review of scholarly literature with all 5 sources including each of the following criteria in a thorough and accurate manner:


·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Accomplished review of scholarly literature with 5 sources included.

Four (4) of the 5 scholarly sources address the criteria in a comprehensive manner; however, 1 scholarly source includes superficial coverage of the criteria below:

·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Proficient review of scholarly literature with 5 sources included.

Three (3) of the 5 scholarly sources address the criteria in a comprehensive manner; however, 2 scholarly sources include superficial coverage of the criteria below:

·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Marginally acceptable review of scholarly literature with 5 sources included.

Two (2) of the 5 scholarly sources address the criteria in at least an average manner; however, 3 scholarly sources include superficial coverage of the criteria below:

·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Insufficient review of scholarly literature with less than 5 sources included.


5 scholarly sources are included, but only 1 of the sources address the criteria in an acceptable manner and 4 scholarly sources include either limited or missing coverage of the criteria below:


·       Thorough description of the purpose of the research study

·       Accurate explanation of the research methods used within the study

·       Description of study participants

·       Explanation of data collection methods

·       Discussion of study findings

·       Identification of study limitations

·       Relevance of the study findings to the identified practice issue and/or proposed intervention identified in the PICOT statement

Quality of Scholarly Literature Sources 25 Points 23  Points 21  Points 19  Points 0 Points

All of the 5 scholarly sources meet all of the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

4 of the scholarly sources meet all of the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

3 of the scholarly sources meet all of the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

2 of the scholarly sources meet all of the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

0-1 of the scholarly sources meet all of the following criteria:

·       Original nursing research study

·       Published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal

·       Publication date is current within 5 years

Graduate level writing style 15  Points 13  Points 12  Points 11  Points 0 Points

Exemplary graduate level writing style is evident, which meets the criteria below with 0-1 errors present:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing


Accomplished graduate-level writing style is evident which addresses the criteria below with 2-3 errors present:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing


Proficient graduate-level writing style is evident which addresses the criteria below with 4-5 errors present:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing


Marginally acceptable graduate-level writing is evident with 6-7 errors present:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing


Insufficient graduate-level writing style is evident with 8 or more errors present:

·       Correct APA format is used for the reference entry with each source included in the review of scholarly literature

·       Correct spelling and word usage

·       Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

·       Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas are evident within writing



Total Points Earned _____of 250 Points