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Examples should be specific and different for each standard (i.e.,…

Examples should be specific and different for each standard (i.e., do not use the same example for more than (1) standard). Populate a minimum of 2 indicators, for each professional standard, that have achieved during your clinical experience. For the ‘Ethics’ standard must populate only one standard ( ie. E1 or E4).


Provide example for each of the following



Each nurse is accountable to the public and responsible for ensuring that his/her practice and conduct meet legislative requirements and the Standards of the profession. Nurses are responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions. Part of this accountability includes conducting themselves in ways that promote respect for the profession. Nurses are not accountable for the decisions or actions of other care providers when there was no way of knowing about those actions.

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator

A1 – Identifying her/himself and explaining her/his role to clients

Stated first and last name
Explained first year student nurse’s role 

A2 – Providing, facilitating, advocating and promoting the best possible care for clients

Performed 1st year clinical skills
Followed professional standard, facility’s policies and best practice guidelines

A3 – Advocating for clients, the profession, and the health care system


A4 – Seeking assistance appropriately and in a timely manner 

Understood nursing scope of practice as a 1st year nursing student
Asked clinical instructor for assistance when needed
Asked faculty for assistance when needed
Responsive to feedback

A5 – Sharing nursing knowledge and expertise with others (clinical instructor and client’s healthcare giver i.e. RN) to meet client needs.

With peers during throughout the clinical day.Shared nursing literature resources (research articles, facility handouts, etc)
A6 – Ensuring practice is consistent with standards of practice, guidelines, and legislation  
A7 – Taking actions in situations where client safety and well-being are compromised  

A8 – Maintaining competence and refraining from performing activities for which he/she is not competent. 

Recognized limitations of own competence as a first year nursing student)

A9 – Taking responsibility for errors when they occur and taking appropriate action to maintain client safety.

Informed error to clinical instructor, client’s health care provider, or faculty 
A10 – Reporting to the appropriate authority any heath team member or colleague whose actions or behaviors towards clients are unsafe or unprofessional, including physical, verbal, emotional, and/or financial abuse.   
A11 – Reporting sexual abuse of a client by a regulated health professional to the appropriate regulatory college as legislated by the Regulated Health Professions Act  


Each nurse maintains and continually improves his/her competence by participating in the College of Nurses of Ontario Quality Assurance Program. Competence is the nurse’s ability to use her/his knowledge, skill judgment, attitudes, values, and beliefs to perform in a given role, situation, and practice setting.  Continuing competence ensures the nurse is able to perform in a changing health environment. Continuing competence also contributes to quality nursing practice and increases the public’s confidence in the nursing professions.  Participation in the College of Nurses’ QA Program assists nurses to engage in activities that promote or foster lifelong learning. The Program helps nurses to maintain and improve their competence and is a professional requirement.

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator

C1 – Assuming responsibility for her/his own professional development and for sharing knowledge with other

Attained knowledge of client’s diagnosis
Used hospital resources
Shared knowledge and clinical experience with peers during post conference

C2 – Investing time, effort and other resources to improve knowledge, skills and judgment.

Practiced clinical skills 
Researched nursing diagnoses and medical data of client
C3 – Engaging in a learning process to enhance her/his practice.  

C4 – Participating in Reflective Practice: Participation includes: 

Performed a self assessment
Received peer feedback
Sought out Instructor feedback

C5 – Providing colleagues with feedback that encourages professional growth.


C6 – Advocating for quality practice improvements in the workplace.


C7 – Working together to create quality practice settings that promote continued competence.




Each nurse understands, upholds and promotes the values and beliefs described in the Ethical Framework (1999)Ethical nursing care means promoting the values of client well-being, respecting client choice, assuring privacy and confidentiality, respecting sanctity and quality of life, maintaining commitments, respecting truthfulness, and ensuring fairness in the use of resources. It also includes acting with integrity, honesty and professionalism in all dealings with the client and other health team members

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator

E1 – Identifying ethical issues and communicating these to the health team.

Human dignity
Privacy and Confidentiality
Informed Consent

E2 – Identify options to resolve ethical issues.

Identified and reflected on ethical issue / question
Shared ethical issue with clinical instructor and / or peers
Identified potential solutions to address ethical issue

E3 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the actions taken to resolve ethical issues.


E4 – Identify personal values and ensuring that they do not conflict with professional practice

Respected client’s choice
Respected client’s quality of life
Respected diversity 
Ensured fairness 
Acted with integrity, honesty, and professionalism




Each nurse possesses through basic education and continuing learning, knowledge relevant to her/his professional practice. 

RNs and RPNs study from the same body of knowledge. RPNs study for a shorter period of time resulting in a more focused or basic foundation of knowledge in clinical practice, decision making, critical thinking, research and leadership. RNs study for a longer period of time for a greater breadth and depth of knowledge in clinical practice, decision making, critical thinking, research utilization, leadership, healthcare delivery systems, and resource management. All nurses add to their basic education and foundational knowledge throughout their careers by pursuing ongoing learning

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator

K1 – Provides a theoretical and evidence based rationale for all decisions

Researched evidence based nursing literature
Followed best practice guidelines
Followed hospital policies and procedures for client care
K2 – Being informed and objective about various nursing roles and their relationship to one another    
K3 – Being informed about nursing and its relationship to the health care delivery system.  

K4 – Understanding the legislation and standards relevant to nursing and the practice area.


K5 – Understanding the knowledge required to meet the needs of complex clients.

Implemented nursing process
Attained knowledge of client’s diagnosis

K6 – Having knowledge of how the bio -psychosocial needs and cultural background relate to health needs.

Implemented Roy’s Theory
Provide culturally competent care

K7 – Knowing where/how to access learning resources when necessary.

Used hospital / unit resources
Used school library
Asked healthcare team
K8 – Seeking and reviewing research in nursing, health science and related disciplines.  

K9 – Using research to inform practice/professional service.

To support clinical practice
To support Reflective Analysis

K10 – Being aware of how the practice environments affect professional practice.


K11 – Contributing to the generation of new professional knowledge through research.


K12 – Seeking and critiquing philosophical, theoretical and research-based literature in nursing, health  services, etc; 


K13 – Using philosophy, theory and research to inform practice.

Critical Social Theory


Each nurse continually improves the application of professional knowledge.

The quality of professional looking practice reflects nurses’ application of knowledge. Nurses apply knowledge to practice using nursing frameworks, theories, and/or processes. This includes the performance of clinical skills as the technical and cognitive aspects of care are closely related and cannot be separated


Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator

KA1 – Ensuring practice is based in theory, evidence and meets all relevant standards and guidelines. (speak about during remote clinical)

Communication skills – to facilitate interactions with peers, teachers, clinical instructors, clients & multidisciplinary team
Assisting with ambulation, ROM, transfers, & positioning
Uses correct body mechanics in all nursing activities
Bed making
Hygiene care – baths, perineal care, mouth care, back rubs
Hand washing 
Assessments –  physical, emotional, psychological, cognitive, social, spiritual, and cultural
Meal Assistance
Documentation – Progress notes/flow sheets and Vital signs
Equipment – supplies, linen, etc
KA2 – Assessing/describing the client situation using a theory, framework or evidence-based tool  

KA3 – Identifying/recognizing abnormal or unexpected client responses and taking action appropriately.

Monitors status of clients in relation to anticipated outcomes.
Reports changes to instructor, multi-disciplinary team members
KA4 – Recognizing limits of practice and consulting appropriately.   
 KA5 – Planning with the client approaches to providing care/services  
KA6 – Creating plans of care that address client needs, preferences, wishes and hopes.  

KA7 – Using best practice guidelines to address concerns and needs.

KA8 – Managing multiple nursing interventions simultaneously.  

KA9 – Evaluating/describing the outcome of specific interventions and modifying the plan/approach.

Sets time frames
Evaluates own work patterns
KA10 – Identifying and addressing practice-related issues.  

KA11 – Integrating research findings into professional service and practice.

KA12 – Analyzing and applying a wide range of information using a variety of frameworks or theories that result in a global approach and creative solutions.  
KA13 – Anticipating and preparing for possible outcomes by analyzing all influences.   
KA14 – Identifying a full range of options based on depth and breadth of knowledge.   

KA15 – Creating comprehensive and creative plans of care that reflect the complexity of the client needs.


KA16 – Meeting client needs regardless of complexity and predictability.

KA17 – Analyzing and interpreting unusual client responses.  

KA18 – Evaluating theoretical and research-based approaches for application to practice.




Each nurse demonstrates her/his leadership by providing, facilitating and promoting the best possible care/service to the public. 

Leadership requires self-knowledge (understanding one’s beliefs and values and being aware of how one’s behavior affects others), respect, trust, integrity, shared vision, learning, participation, good communication techniques and the ability to be a change facilitator. The leadership expectation is not limited to nurses in formal leadership positions. All nurses, regardless of their positions, have opportunities for leadership.

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator
L1 – Role-modeling professional values, beliefs and attributes.  
L2 – Collaborating with clients and the health team to provide professional practice that respects the rights of clients.  

L3 – Advocating for clients, the workplace and the profession.

L4 – Providing direction to, collaborating with, and sharing knowledge and expertise with novices, students and unregulated care providers.  

L5 – Acting as a role model and mentor to less experienced students.

L6 – Taking action to resolve conflict  
L7 – Developing innovative solutions to practice issues.  

L8 – Coordinating care for complex clients and demonstrating leadership when collaborating with care providers.



Each nurse establishes and maintains respectful, collaborative, therapeutic and professional relationships. The clients’ needs are the focus of the relationship, which is based on trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy, and the appropriate use of power (Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship Practice Standard, Revised 2006). Nurses demonstrate empathy and caring in all relationships with clients, families and significant others. It is the responsibility of the nurse to establish and maintain the therapeutic relationship

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator
TR 1 – Practicing according to the Standard for Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship (2006).  
TR 2 – Demonstrating respect, empathy and interest for clients.  
TR 3 – Maintaining boundaries between professional, therapeutic relationships and non-professional, personal relationships  
TR 4 – Ensuring clients needs remain the focus of the nurse-client relationship  
TR 5 – Ensuring that her/his personal needs are met outside therapeutic nurse-client relationships.  
TR 6 – Developing collaborative partnerships with clients and families that respect their needs, wishes, knowledge, experience, values and beliefs  
TR 7 – Recognizing that the potential for abuse of clients exists.  
TR 8 – Preventing abuse where possible.  

TR 9 – Taking action to stop abuse and report it appropriately.



Each nurse establishes and maintains respectful, collaborative, therapeutic and professional relationships. Professional relationships are based on trust and respect, and result in improved client care.

Professional Standard Indicators Example of how to met the indicator
PR1 – Role models positive collegial relationships. Is supportive and respectful towards colleagues.  

PR2 – Uses a wide range of communication and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain collegial relationships effectively


PR3 – Demonstrates knowledge of, and respect for, each other’s roles, knowledge, and expertise and unique contribution to the team.

PR4 – Shares knowledge with others to promote best possible outcomes for the client.  
PR5 – Develops networks to share knowledge related to best practices.   

PR6 – Demonstrates effective conflict-resolution skills.



Student:  List 3 Areas of Strengths:










Student:  Identify 3 areas for improvement and include your strategies for growth and development










From the above list of areas for improvement and strategies for growth and development, use the SMART criteria to create ONE learning goal for your Year 2 Clinical Experience.  

Component of goal

Description of component 

A specific goal is detailed, focused and clearly stated. Everyone reading the goal should know exactly what you want to learn.



A measurable goal is quantifiable, meaning you can see the results.

Attainable An attainable goal can be achieved based on your skill, resources and area of practice.

A relevant goal applies to your current role and is clearly linked to your key role responsibilities. 



A time-limited goal has specific timelines and a deadline. This will help motivate you to move toward your goal and to evaluate your progress.

My completed

goal statement:

Be specific. What do you have to do? How will you do it? When will it be completed?

CNO Standard my goal relates to: